• London M.

    Inversions Intensité Layout

    2023-06-13 I love this thing. I was able to get two rides and somehow got assigned the front both times. My first ride was on the outside seat...There was no way of telling what the hell was going on. I can say the same for my first ride on X2, but Eejanaika takes it to another level. The first drop was the tamest part of the ride. It was that intense. Riding in the back row would have taken it even further. My second ride ended up being surprisingly smooth and much less extreme in the inner seat. I'm glad I had the chance to ride this coaster one time when it was stupidly intense, and another when it didn't try to kill you. Eejanaika alone makes Fuji-Q a park worth visiting.

  • Sean R.

    Débit Bonne suprise ! Longueur

    Kumba is 30 years old and while past its prime delivered a pretty noteworthy experience. It doesn't compare to Iron Gwazi (not much will), but it had a good amount of intensity throughout the entire ride and I can only imagine how it stacked up to other coasters when it first came out. It must have truly stood out among the top coasters of the time. The foundations you now find in most B&M Hypers are evident in the car and track design. But surprisingly, it had a lot more tricks up its sleeve than the most modern of B&M hypers...inversions, corkscrews, etc. Made me wonder what something like Candymonium, Intimidator, Goliath (SFOG) or Mako would feel like if inversions were added to the equation. I have to imagine B&M has some things to gain if were to add some of Kumba's elements to its newest Hyper designs. One can dream...

  • Sean R.

    First Drop Intensité Longueur Inconfort

    I wanted to like this coaster more than I actually did. Don't get me wrong, I really liked it, but I didn't love it as many folks clearly do. I found the first launch to be underwhelming; albeit, the drop that followed was great. From there, it was a bit too herky-jerky for my liking throughout the ride and a bit disorientating as a result. This is me splitting hairs, it's still a top 10-12 coaster and full of proper intensity and fun. But as an experience, its a tier down from my all-time favorites and so I'm being a bit critical to create some separation from those as a result.

  • Sean R.

    First Drop Théma Fluidité Trop court

    A great dive coaster experience, which is a genre of coaster I really enjoy. What Dr. Diabolical lacks in height vs. other dive coasters, it makes up for in the 95 degree vertical drop and fantastic theming that you might expect from a Disney or Universal ride - not necessarily Six Flags. This is my #2 at the park behind Iron Rattler... It's too short, as are all Dive coasters, but the theming makes the experience feel much longer and immersive. Getting yelled at to "scream" while draped over a 150 foot beyond vertical drop was a really nice touch!

  • Sean R.

    Airtimes First Drop Vitesse

    The Dad: This ride is unbelievable and lived up to the hype for me. That it sits 45 minutes from my house at a really (I mean "really") small park with carnival rides as your alternatives is almost too odd to be true...but it meant no lines, low cost, and easy access to a top 10 coaster on the planet. I have to imagine Fun Spot is seeing the long view with this investment. I hope they keep this coaster to standard over time as it is truly a gem. We went on 4 rides in 75 minutes and could have done twice as many if we didn't take some breaths in between rides. I have it below Steve and above Twisted Timbers and Lightening Rod as my #2 RMC...we'll see where Iron Gwazi lands in a couple of weeks after a trip to Tampa. The first hill is awesome and the pacing across a plethora of high intensity elements from the first hill to the finish is just brilliant. That a record setting zero G-stall is the most sedate moment after the lift hill should tell you everything. It is packed with fantastic elements from start to finish, it never relents and the outward-banked airtime hill rivals Steve as the #2 moment I've ever had on a roller coaster (behind I305's first drop.) The front was more fun than the back for my daughter and I...it's smooth and silky no matter where you sit. The staff and operations were really top notch as well.96/100 from me. The Daughter: one less hill at the end would have been just fine (5 would do it.) The lap bar had me thinking I would fly out at any moment (she weighs 60 lbs). The first hill and the upside down part were both amazing...the first hill was my favorite part, especially from the front seat. My #1 RMC ahead of Twisted Cyclone (my only other at the time of riding.) It trails Hagrid's as my favorite coaster, but I loved this just the same.

  • Gabriel Thorn

    First Drop Lap Bar Intensité Layout

    The lifthill brings you to the top very fast, and the first drop and the first half of the layout is simply amazing. The turnback is the best I ever experienced. The second half didn't do it for me, I don't really like low-to-the ground, twisty layouts with strong laterals but at least the last small hill has some airtime. Amazing both on the front and back rows, not rattly at all BUT I had my last ride in the middle of the train and that was the worst experience I ever had on a coaster. It was THAT different. Anyways, the first half is good enough to be one of the best experiences I ever had. Still prefer Zadra for the pacing but it's near perfect.

  • Gabriel Thorn

    First Drop Fun Chef d'oeuvre

    The structure looks absolutely gorgeous. The first drop is amazing with the headchopper. Had some night rides, some rides in heavy rain both at the front and at the back rows (where you can not even open your eyes when it rains) and were laughing off my butt every single time riding this masterpiece, it was that much fun. I felt pure joy and came off with a smile on my face. The only ride I did not like that much was one in the middle with an almost empty train, it felt much less intense. My first RMC and I can't wait to try more and more on my next trips.

  • Brian Sheldon

    First half was much better than I expected. 2nd half delivered the herky-jerky that I expected, but was pleased that the first half didn’t have. Almost decent jolts of air. Decent little coaster. Desperately needs a paint job.

  • X Coasters Forever

    First Drop Intensité Vibrations

    X2 is easily one of the most intense roller coasters at any amusement park I’ve ever ridden. That first drop was nuts and the fact that this is a 4th dimensional coaster where the seats rotate, it just makes the experience even crazier. My favorite part of the whole experience is the final raven dive with the fire effects because of how crazy that moment is. Overall, X2 is one of the most intense roller coasters at any amusement park I’ve ever ridden with its crazy first drop, great intensity, and some cool fire effects.

  • Owen Guistwite

    Théma Fluidité Longueur

    The best themed roller coaster. Long, smooth and fun.