• Matt Rappaport

    First Drop Théma Inversions Temps mort

    Jersey Devil was my first RMC single rail coaster and it is certainly a wildly fun experience from start to finish. The first near 90 degree drop is amazing and the coaster absolutely flies through its layout otherwise, with some awesome inversions and tight turns. It's also immaculately themed to the local Jersey Devil mythos, rather than some easy DC property like Six Flags usually does. However, the coaster does slow down a lot in its second half with a bit of dead time. I know I found it a bit necessary after how intense the rest of the layout was, but I definitely felt like it could've done more things with the second half of its layout. Overall though, Jersey Devil is a great ride and another RMC hit

  • Airtime Grills
  • Mikkel Loves Airtime

    Théma Inversions Confort

    This is a really fun ride! This was my first and only wing coaster excited to do more of these kind of rides. The layout is really good paced but could be longer. Really fun inversions and a good flejector hill. The ride dosent need anything just a bit of length and it would be a perfect ride for its type. I had no problem with the smoothness or restraint (it is actually one of the most comfortable rides ever! only maybe fønix) I do highly prefer colossos at heide but i see a few people put this over. Overall this is a good comfortable ride with awesome theming ( i dunno if it is the best wing?)

  • Thomas C.

    Layout Baffes Harnais Inconfort

    Very disappointing ride (I had higher expectations)

  • Art V.

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Layout

    I love watching people's faces in the break run from the queue. Non-stop intense disorienting elements combine to leave your fingertips tingling.

  • Álvaro Fernández Díez

    Airtimes Confort Ejectors

    Muy disfrutable. La subida al top hat es impresionante

  • daniel

    Situation Vitesse Déception ! Sans intérêt Temps mort

    This ride has consistently been going down in my rankings. Sure it's still a pretty good ride, but outside of a really good speed hill, a few decent moments of positivies and having a great sense of speed, this ride just feels like it just doesn't do much for me anymore. This is gonna sound like a fairly stereotypical thoosie thing to say, but Fury does nearly everything better than Millie

  • Mason Newton

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Launch Temps mort

    Having constantly been told that this is just a family coaster, I went into this with low hopes, but the first launch and the surprisingly forceful triple helix alone made me really enjoy this ride. I will note that I found the drop up until the second launch to be a bit of a dead spot, but everything else is fantastic. Do not sleep on this!

  • Sean R.

    Bonne suprise ! Launch Intensité

    This coaster brought me out of retirement and introduced me to a whole new generation of thrills and intensity. For that, I will always hold Incredible Hulk in a special place in my heart. I had not been on a coaster in nearly 20 years when I went on this back in 2022. I also had not experienced nor was I even aware of a launch component - and experiencing it for the first time was absolutely amazing. I've ridden it 4-5 times since and objectively speaking, it continues to deliver with nearly the same intensity every time. I really can't find a flaw in this ride...the theming is great, the audio is great, the launch is top rate and the intensity across multiple inversions is awesome. Maybe I see it through rose-tinted lenses because it really brought me back into the coaster game. But I imagine even the most enlightened of coaster enthusiasts would have difficulty not enjoying this ride.

  • Sean R.

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Situation Inconfort

    A nice twist on a mine ride - certainly more interesting than most. All-in-all, a commendable effort with some real thrill components that is undermined to a degree by some really uncomfortable transitions. Someone else used the word "janky" to describe the experience...and it really hits the nail on the head. Still, the pros outweigh the cons. I liked it quite a bit...