• caden

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Vibrations

    As of right now, this is my favorite woodie. It was very nice airtime and aggressive banking which was flying me around. The banked covered first drop was great in the back row. The pacing was phenomenal and held the speed and intensity throughout the whole ride. The one big thing was the roughness, which wasn’t horrible but it could definitely be improved. Still not enough to affect where I rank this in my lineup. Between this, RailBlazer, and Flight Deck, the park has a very good top 3

  • caden

    Bonne suprise ! Confort Launch

    I thought this ride was amazing. The launch and boosts are quick and snappy but not too crazy. In some places it did feel a little dead but nothing that impacted my experience. I definitely would not call it a family ride but I do think most families and ride and enjoy it. The S-turns with the flowing river below was an amazing feeling. The heartline roll was well placed and very fitting. The only slightly confusing thing to me was the station situation and the lockers. They “require” you to put your items in lockers which were hidden away on the side (and not really needed). There are no cons for me with this ride. I wish I could go back and keep riding it.

  • caden

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Layout Trop court

    I absolutely loved this ride. My trip to Glenwood Caverns was decently busy, some rides like Alpine Coaster, cave tours, and the zipline all had long lines, their crazier rides like Defiance, Canyon Flyer, and Giant Canyon Swing all had no lines. I was able to ride Defiance 8 times in about an hour. The longest I had waited for one ride was waiting for the ride to finish a cycle, and then just one more cycle again due to me wanting a specific spot. The cubbies in line are very nice. The restraints do cause minor head banging but can be easily avoided if you’re prepared for it. It is also a tad shaky/rough but I barely noticed it. As the train leaves the station and takes a right up the lift hill, you get amazing views of the surrounding mountains and Glenwood Springs below. The first drop is very fun and the non-inverting loop and 2 inversions are whippy and forceful. The second of the two inversions right into the brake run is my favorite of the 3 elements. It’s a short ride but is definitely an amazing one. The gondola gives amazing views of the ride and the Lookout Grille has good food and is a great spot to sit and watch the ride as it goes.

  • David Lubell

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Layout

    This ride man... The best RMC I've been on to date and it isn't particularly close. Now I will say I haven't been on Steel Vengeance, Iron Gwazi, or any of the European RMCs, but I can't imagine them getting much better than this. Start to finish, this ride is a literal masterpiece. The underflip is so underrated, the stalls are great, and the laterals never fail to hit. It's also glass smooth and the crew is working like mad men. The line shockingly fast and the capacity is great. Nothing bad to say about this one, its my current #1. barely over Skyrush from the same park.

  • David Lubell

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Vibrations Inconfort

    This is a ride I was so excited to ride based on everyones reviews, but I left quite dissapointed. First let me give my pros though: The drop is unreal. Just as good as everyone says, if not better. One of the best first drops on earth. The following camelback hills also give some of the best ejector airtime in the world. The noise the upstop wheels make is simply insane. The rolling thunder hill is incredible and the twister section is a lot of fun. Lots of pros. HOWEVER... I found this ride to be incredibly rough. Pretty much every section following the turnaround gave me quite a bit of discomfort, and I got onto this ride with a lingering back injury that got very aggravated. For a layout like the second half of this ride to work on a wooden coaster, it has to run like its brand new in my opinion. Unfortunately, this is six flags, and they will never take that good of care of their rides. I only wish I rode this earlier, as I've heard it got exponentially rougher in recent years. As it stands now though, so so overrated.

  • caden

    Airtimes First Drop Inversions Trop court

    While the capacity is not great, the fast dispatches help the line move thoroughly. I recommend riding in the back because you get flown out on the first drop. From the drop to the end the ride delivers on powerful airtime and great inversions. It is also butter smooth which does nothing but helps make the ride as great as possible. The second generation trains with better restraints also help a lot, while still not amazing, it’s better than the others. The audio, station theming, the barn easter egg and the fun trains all help deliver on the great experience. Between the three original RMC raptors I have done, Stunt Pilot is definitely my favorite.

  • Insane Coasters

    Situation Intensité Harnais

    It's a solid clone and I don't understand why people say it's so rough.

  • Insane Coasters

    Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Débit Layout

    It's got a couple great airtime moments but it's very short

  • Insane Coasters

    First Drop Baffes Temps mort Layout

    The drops ok but the rest of its a shaky mess and the layouts not even that good.

  • Insane Coasters

    Launch Harnais Temps mort

    It's got a fun launch but I hate the restraints.