• MapleFlakes

    Inversions Situation Intensité Temps mort

    I was quite surprised by the intensity this ride packs into its loops and valleys. Yes, the loops and valleys are the only good parts of the ride, but they genuinely are quite fun. There is a lot of pointless meandering throughout the whole layout, but the wooded surroundings make it a little more enjoyable. 6/10 - why does the brake run squeal

  • MapleFlakes

    Longueur Inconfort Layout

    I thought I had experienced the jank of Arrow transitions before, but nothing compared to this ride. This ride is like if they took Anaconda's pointless meandering double turn around and extended it to an entire layout. Then they added 3 chain lifts. It's pretty impressive to be crowned my least favorite Arrow, but for the time being this coaster holds that title. 2/10 - holy crap this line moves so slow with one train ops

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Fun Inconfort Layout

    The first turn and drops are surprisingly smooth, but don't be fooled because this ride has some hilariously poorly profiled turns. Most of the fun of this coaster comes from how unsafe it feels. It is absolutely the jankiest piece of junk I've ever ridden. 4/10 - if you sit in the front row your restraints pop up before the train stops moving

  • MapleFlakes

    Déception ! Layout

    Compared to the only other Miler kiddie I've ridden in Wilderness Run at Carowinds, this was surprisingly disappointing. There's actually some forces on that one, even if very minimal, and the ending bunny hops give a tiny bit of airtime. This ride just does nothing. I can't really fault it though, I'm not the target audience. 2/10 - the operator said it was better than ArieForce so who am I to disagree

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Situation Temps mort

    Very mild yet iconic ride. It has a little airtime in some spots, but for the most part, it's a very mild ride. Setting is awesome though.

  • Laurenz T.

    Situation Vitesse Intensité Vibrations Inconfort Temps mort

    Thundercoaster was THE big surprise of my visit at Tusenfryd! While it's a true old-school woody with it's pros and cons, I believe it is criminally underrated and nowhere near as bad as it's reputation. Going in with no expectations, the first ride was a great surprise. At first, Thundercoaster was kind of scary. It is fast-paced, intense, and an overall rough ride experience. After that first ride, Thundercoaster really grew on me! The ride is relentless, has phenomenal pacing and slams you in the final brakes. It certainly has a characteristic oldscool woody rattle and can be slightly uncomfortable in parts, but the new Gravity Group trains prevent you from the worst rattles and I personally enjoy the authentic wooden coaster feel. While Thundercoaster may not offer too much airtime, it compensates with its intensity on the positive G-forces. The ride through the tunnel following the second drop is one of the most intense moments of positive G's of any wooden coaster i've been on. And I haven't even started about the beautiful landscape and the work with the terrain, which make this coaster really stand out. Looking back to my visit in Tusenfryd, I kind of regret getting 8+ rides on SpeedMonster and only 3 on Thundercoaster as the lines where longer. If I were to compare Thundercoaster to another coaster, I would think of Tonnere2Zeus. Both have in common that they are thrilling, well-paced rides with some janky parts and great fun. However, with the retracking Tonnere has a more modern layout and is the better ride.

  • Tim Rahoens

    Théma Vibrations Trop court Déception !

    Ride needs to be updated... Rattle is certainly gone up since the last visit i paid to the park.

  • Filip Dilmaghani

    Fun Intensité Vibrations Airtimes

    Not a bad ride, especially compared to other SLCs. It's surprisingly comfortable. Obviously, in a park like Energylandia, it doesn't really stand out, as there are some masterpieces in this park, but objectively speaking, this is a solid ride.

  • David Parrett

    Chef d'oeuvre

    Anaconda is a product of its time. The front row gave me a weird sideways rattle coming off the first drop into the loop. The back row was night and day with much more smooth ride and more natural movement through even the second half that seems a bit unevenly paced. My guess is that the brake run midway is nearly stopping the train much more than originally intended to minimize complaints about roughness. I really hope they don’t get rid of this ride just because it’s a link to a specific time that is gone. It oozes 80s/90s charm in its station and overall design with the loud clanking of the lift chain and the scaffolding support structure and the unpolished hand-designed track sections that don’t smoothly mesh. Am I nostalgic, yes, but you’ll regret it when these Arrows are gone.

  • David Parrett

    It’s probably the best wild mouse I’ve ridden but it’s not amazing.