• Vivaan Chopra

    Théma Inversions Intensité Temps mort

    Absolute classic coaster, one of the OGs and symbols here at CGA. I can't say enough about the pros, because pretty much every factor is going in its favor. First, the layout is absolutely superb, and those 2 vertical loops are extremely forceful and can cause anyone to gray out. The tunnel before the ride and in the loops is fantastic theming. Awesome first drop, and those corkscrews are equally as intense. It's not rough at all, it's more forceful and intense which may be a bit too much for the more faint of heart, which is why some don't like it. The corkscrews are perfectly smooth. The pacing is superb, because it does not slow down during the inversions, and the elements keep flying at the rider. Headbanging is never really an issue on roller coasters, because if you know how to properly ride a roller coaster you will have no issues. Advice for people who have experienced headbanging on this: make sure to keep your head back at all times, and only tilt your head in the direction the ride is moving. Improper riding techniques will result in you not liking this ride, but if you know how to ride a roller coaster, the speed, layout, and of course, the iconic Demon rock corkscrew is LITERALLY THE BEST INVERSION IN THE WORLD. It's got an incredible location (blood pool? Getting eaten by a monster?), is super forceful, and contains probably the best head chopper in California. You feel like God. This is the best ride at the park even though it's almost 50, which is incredible. If it had a bit more to it, particularly right before the EPIC corkscrews, then it could be a top 5 coaster for me.

  • Vivaan Chopra

    First Drop Théma Intensité Vibrations Harnais Layout

    Very intense ride, probably 2nd most intense B&M inverted (Flight Deck). However, the layout is literally a copy of 50 other rides in the world, the harness is way too tight, and overall it's just not a comfortable experience. It tries to get intense in the second half, but really it just ends up being really loud and painful. It's hard to enjoy this, especially when it's just a copy of 100 other rides. Flight Deck at CGA does a much better job with this, and makes a cloned layout creative.

  • Vivaan Chopra

    Inversions Situation Intensité Trop court Théma

    An excellent B&M invert, much better version of Batman at SFMM. Probably the most intense inverted coaster I’ve ever been on, with an incredibly forceful vertical loop and ensuing zero g-roll. The pacing is immaculate, and that final inversion over the water is absolutely phenomenal. It just needs a bit more speed or height + some more length and strong more strong elements to become an absolutely top coaster, but this is among the best at CGA.

  • Shroom

    Théma Fun Débit

    Very fun and has some very good theming around it. It´s just a shame that it is in this park, it´s usually the longest queue in the park due its capacity.

  • Tallis Boland

    Airtimes Vitesse Ejectors Baffes Fiabilité

    This ride has possibly the best airtime in the country. There are elements you hit on this ride where you feel like your falling for ages. The launch is OK. It's really forceful for a second then the intensity of the launch dies off quickly. It's a bit short and can get the worst lines in the park. Get in early to Movie World and ride this first if you can.

  • Tallis Boland

    Intensité Baffes Trop court

    So to be clear this is a review from its current as of writing location at Gumbuya World and its now called project Zero. It's fine. Definitely has a bit of a rattle and is uncomfortable at the end when the brake catches the car. But yeah fine

  • Tallis Boland

    Inconfort Sans intérêt Temps mort

    Bad ride. Dreamworld needs to get ride of it. If you ride this coaster during your visit it will negatively effect your time at the park. I've never been so uncomfortable riding a coaster before! Just bad

  • Tallis Boland

    Vitesse Intensité Fluidité Fiabilité

    Probably Australia's most underrated Rollercoaster and the most intense Coaster in it's Park. It pace is great and has awesome head chopper moments!

  • Tallis Boland

    Airtimes Situation Vitesse

    Possibly the best Coaster in Australia. Once it's warmed up in the afternoon it hauls through it's layout at an excellent and relentless pace! If you avoid peak season eg school holidays and maybe go to Seaworld on a Sunday or Tuesday the lines can be really short sometimes even a walk on!

  • Charlg

    First Drop Fun Intensité Trop court

    I absolutely love this rollercoaster; fantastic! Drop is great, theming is great, and overall, usually has great queues. It builds up great anticipation through the queue line, you always seem scared no matter how many times you ride it.