• Wyatt Flynn

    Théma Intensité Fluidité Trop court

    Grover’s alpine express is a decent kiddy coaster it has a decent helix and has an adorable lead car

  • Chermaine S.

    First Drop Situation Ejectors Théma

    Pure ejector airtime machine. That first drop is insane, offering a combination of laterals and ejector. And that's only the beginning, all hills on Expedition GeForce offer incredible ejector airtime. This is mixed with some strong positives in the valleys, even giving me a little hint of a grey-out. Not as strong as on Goliath at Walibi Holland for example, but I still like the variety of airtime mixed with positives. The middle part just gives you that sense of speed, zooming through the forest (yes this rides location is beautiful as well). There is a noticeable rattle but it didn't bother me at all. Theming is nonexistent though, the station has to be one of the ugliest I've ever seen. Overall an incredible ride that should be on every coaster enthusiasts bucket list. However, people saying this is the best steel coaster on earth really need to rethink their life decisions. Maybe it was when it first opened, but nowadays there are just better rides out there.

  • CoasterHead

    Situation Vitesse Longueur Temps mort

    Millennium Force is a really, REALLY good coaster. Honestly, kinda underrated to me. It’s got its great speed, nice pops of floater, and a stunning view of Lake Erie. All I ask is for you to just prepare yourself for the bugs in your face.

  • Ajani J.

    Airtimes First Drop Confort Trop court Layout

    Candymonium is on the smaller side of B&M Hypers, and on the newer side too. The first drop and camelback give strong, sustained floater airtime. You get airtime as soon as you start up the hills and you’re out all the way down. The turnaround is nothing, just turns you around. The second hill is less sustained, but it’s strong, fl-jector airtime. Speed hill gives a nice pop of ejector, but the helix pulls 0 forces, however, the outerbank laterally ejects you from the train. The next hill gives even stronger airtime than the other. The helix around the kisses fountain is a nice spectacle, and then you have a double up into the brakes, overall, an amazing ride that ends too soon if the ride had a mako-like finale, or 2 more hills out and back, this would be one of the best hypers. However, length holds it back to my 2 spot.

  • Wyatt Flynn

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Intensité

    I actually passed out on this ride! So that made the airtime really scary. The intensity on the transitions are so quick that it gives quick pops of airtime. In fact the speed is so crazy that I started tearing out of my eyes!

  • Wyatt Flynn

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Vibrations

    InvadR is short but sweet ride. there are some aggressive bits. Such as the first drop, the airtime, and the rattle.

  • Wyatt Flynn

    Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Hangtime Théma

    Such a masterpiece that backward ejector is both insane and terrifying. And it startled me too.

  • Evosioa

    Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité Ejectors

    Easily my #1. Steel Vengeance is the best coaster on the planet, it has an amazing first drop, which gives strong floater in the front of the train and good ejector in the back. I was lucky enough to ride this 4 times over the course of two days. After the drop, you have a strong ejector speed hill for all of the train. Next you rise into the amazing top hat, which gives a mix of lateral Gs and ejector for the entire train. After the top hat, you move to possibly the best element on any coaster, the outer bank. Steel Vengeance's outer banked hill is the strongest sustained ejector i have ever experienced, after this, you drop down, into a small step up, which gives anywhere from ejector in the back, to very strong floater in the front. Next step up, you enter a fast paced zero g roll, which is followed by a turnaround and wave turn under the lift hill. You enter a small hill which is followed by a very quick zero g stall, which provides great whip, and an odd sensation as you feel both the airtime from the hill, and some hangtime from the stall. Hence, you enter a step down followed by an airtime hill, both of which give ejector or strong floater airtime throughout both hills. After this you enter a quick turn and a step up into the MCBR. You breathe. After the Mid-Course, you turn and drop off, which provides strong floater. Following this, you enter a short head chopper turn. This is soon followed by a double up, which gives good ejector airtime as I recall. From there on, you enter an outer banked turn, which is much weaker than the first. After this, you enter a head chopper which includes an overbanked turn and zero g roll. Next, you enter two bunny hills. Following the bunny hills, you enter a head chopper with a wave turn, zero g roll, overbanked turn, and the the first hill of a section of trick-track. Outside of the head chopper, the trick track continues with two more hills. There is a speed hill which enters the support structure, which is quickly followed by a step up into the brakes. In conclusion, Steel Vengeance is the best roller coaster in the world, featuring an amazing mix of ejector airtime, floater airtime, inversions, smoothness, and overall enjoyability.

  • Matthew Kookootsedes

    Inversions Intensité Layout Baffes Débit Harnais

    Maverick was an incredible coaster, but it has its downsides. Let's start with the good. I still cant quite fathom how intense Maverick was. The launched hill was intense, and I don't forget the feeling of that 95° drop. The inversions are incredible at Maverick's speed. And the whip you get form those sharp turns is insane. Now, the downsides. The capacity is horrendous. I had to wait in line for 2.5 hours while seeing trains with 1-2 empty seats. Next, the harness (aka Intamin Comfort Collars). The harness causes a lot of discomfort, as the bars across your chest aren't very soft, causing that discomfort. And the final con, the Headbanging. The headbanging causes incredible discomfort, partially because of the restraints and their own discomfort. This factor caused me a headache and I had to sit out of most of the rides for the rest of the day. Overall, Maverick is a fast paced intense coaster with lots of fun, but it does have its bad elements to it.

  • Evosioa

    Launch Vitesse Intensité Débit Harnais

    Maverick was a great coaster. It was intense, had a good launch, and great pacing. However, the ride has Intamin Comfort collars, which are just generally bad. In addition, it has very low capacity, causing it to have the longest lines in the park.