• Pol Petit

    Launch Vitesse Intensité Trop court

    Es una gran atracción con una muy buena aceleración (aunque en las últimas filas suele vibrar al final), con un fuerte airtime (entre un floater fuerte y un ejector) en el top hat e intensidad al principio de la subida y al final de la bajado, donde sobretodo en las últimas filas hay unas fuerzas g verticales positivas considerables.

  • Keaton Knippel


    This one is all about the theming, and it is world class. Also it's insane that it has 17 ROWS

  • Keaton Knippel

    Vibrations Baffes


  • Brian Sheldon

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Harnais

    Great ride experience. I didn't really know what to expect by such a unique ride. It truly delivers a one-of-a-kind experience that I really enjoyed. It has you flipping and spinning around over and over, and it never gets the least bit uncomfortable. It just made me laugh. Great surprise. Great ride.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Intensité Vibrations

    My first RMC I-Beam coaster. I was truly shocked at the rattling and noises that this made on the entire length of the ride. It wasn't quite as pudding smooth as I hoped it would be. The transitions are extremely quick and intense. I can't believe the loading procedure where you don't get to choose your seat. I got lucky and got the very first seat. The views were great and I really enjoyed the ride. I'm not 100% sure I would have from other seats. It was quite an intense ride. It borders on being a bit too intense. I had to hang on after the second hill all the way to the end to keep from banging around in my seat. Very unique and fun ride overall, just not nearly as perfect as I hoped it would be.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Launch Vitesse Fun

    It was essentially exactly what I expected. I love TTD and I knew this is very similar. I had zero issue with the restraints. They were completely fine. The hill adds precisely zero to the ride experience. The launch and the views from the top are exceptional. Obviously, only TTD compares to this. Launch seemed a tad bid tamer than I remember TTD's being. However, I could just be more jaded now than I was 15 years ago when I first rode TTD. Amazing experience. Great ride.

  • Connor A.

    First Drop Théma Intensité Baffes Inconfort

    The enjoyment of Saw is dependent on what seat/car you ride. I rode it twice on the day of my visit. The first ride was brilliant and faultless, an easy 5-star experience. The second ride was headbanging galore. I was still in pain after exiting the car and walking around the park—a shame because the drops, airtime and speed are excellent. Fix the cars, Merlin!

  • Connor A.

    Théma Launch Intensité Trop court

    A quick burst of adrenaline! It's a one-trick pony, but you'll want to ride again and again, which you can! The main con is also a plus: short ride = short queues.

  • Connor A.

    Inconfort A raser ! Temps mort

    Just rubbish. It's advertised as not just a coaster but an 'experience' — a crap experience. It's supposed to have live actors before and after the coaster, but there were none — just long dark corridors of nothing. The ambient sounds were way too loud, and the beeping horn and car crash noise, particularly, were incredibly annoying. The coaster itself has back pain-inducing hard seating, offers nothing exciting, and fails to improve on the abysmal generic zombie theme. The practical effects are noticeably cheap, making the theming of x no way out's mannequin theming look godly in comparison. Just demolish the thing and build something better with the space.

  • Connor A.

    Inversions Hangtime Vibrations Harnais Inconfort

    A classic coaster. The air time is excellent, but the harness is rock solid, which digs into your shoulders and rattles your melon