• Martin Sanders

    Débit Inversions Fun Intensité

    I am getting up there is age, so sometimes these B&M inverts kind of make me feel....not good. That said, this ride is fun - it's nice to ride a "Non-Batman" invert and this one has a pretty good layout. I like the overbank right after the loop as well as the zero-g roll and twist right before the helix. If you are on this sight, you probably enjoy coasters and have a higher tolerance for positive G's than I do, and if that's the case this is a good, fun invert.

  • Martin Sanders

    Airtimes Fun Longueur Débit

    One of my all-time favorite coasters. A back row , night-time ride might be one of the best I have ever experienced. It isn't super intense - it is just FUN. The drop off the MCBR is fantastic as is the whole second half of the ride. The first half is good, but just doesn't compare to the back half. The only downside is the capacity on this - man they really need to find a way to speed up dispatches. They usually run 2 trains, but still only dispatch about once every 3 minutes. I guess people just don't have my urgency to get on/off the ride to keep the line moving. Oh well. Even if this is the only ride you get on at Knott's, that wait is worth it.

  • Daniel Stark

    Théma Sans intérêt

    Theming around the queue is very well done. That's all that can be praised about this ride. Why on earth does a theme park of this category buy a cheap wild mouse in 2016? It's not even a Mack. It feels cheap and out of place. It was meant to open at 12, two hours after the park, so I went then to avoid queues, but it broke down just before opening and had to wait longer than average. At least it's spinning, that's fun, but the design doesn't seem good at all. The forces and speed look a bit random (maybe I'm wrong and they're exactly as intended). I mean, the first turns are very slow, hardly any laterals there, but it keeps gaining more and more speed, having thus higher laterals each time, so that the last turns end up uncomfortably extreme. It seems they didn't know the concept of trims. One of my least favourites wild mice, did it only for the cred.

  • Raymond C.

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    Going into this ride I didn't even consider that it could possibly be better or even slightly as good as Hyperion. Partially that is true, but only in terms of the first drop and the capacity. The ride itself is a brilliant and intense masterpiece which is action from start to finish, there are no dead spots. All, yes literally all, airtime hills deliver extremely enjoyable ejector airtime (at least in the backseats). Just like Zadra at Energylandia it is a rollercoaster that is as close to a perfect ride as can be. All elements are awesome and supplement each other. If you like ejector airtime (just like I do) this is one of the best rides for you!

  • Eyebrows

    Airtimes Inversions Fun Vibrations Débit Harnais

    What a weird little thing! Lots of funky forces with negatives, positives, and laterals all present. I love what this ride does in such a small plot. S&S vests aren't great, and it still has some tracking issues. I want to see more of these things pop up.

  • Daniel Stark

    Situation Fun Longueur

    So much fun, it exceeded expectations. I rode only for the cred, knowing it to be just another kiddie, but having watched no POVs. Wow, it was very long, and it had awesome capacity, running two huge trains. The setting around some trees and close to the ground was nice. The coaster felt like some of those I'd design as a kid on RCT, with absurd constant lifts to gain potencial energy again, but towards the end it had a couple of more consistent helixes, and it was a lot of fun. Nice kiddie, nothing more.

  • Daniel Stark

    Théma Lap Bar Longueur

    One of my favourite mine trains. Theming is pretty well done and the ride is very long. The transitions weren't as janky as on other mine trains and, besides, the individual lap bars really helped in that regard, so I could ride hands up without suffering through those transitions, leading to a very fun experience. In top of that, the layout provided more than those of other similar coasters, with three or four weakish floater moments I enjoyed a lot. Overall, great family ride with an awesome capacity to deal with its popularity.

  • sonhan

    Lap Bar Launch Vitesse Vibrations

    It has been a very long time since i wasnt feeling nervous for a ride. Operations and operators were nice and effective, good vibe in the station. The ride is an impressive experience, and very intense in the heat.

  • sonhan

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité Théma Débit

    Well, wasnt expecting anything at all, after a chaotic 1hour wait i was almost pissed and couldnt wait to leave the ride zone, but the ride took me by surprised. The spinning add some forces and centrifugal feeling, the launches, turns were surprisingly intenses, and the "swing" has so much potential. The operations however are bad as fuck, capacity of the ride is stupid and the queueline felt a bit opprressive and suffocating and the theming in the ride is questionable.

  • sonhan

    Airtimes First Drop Débit Vibrations Trop court

    I rode this beast during a very hot summer day, couldnt have any better conditions to pull up the best from this ride. However i found it pretty underwhelming. The drop and the first hill makes the layout, after this i felt frustrated all along. It has some intensity toward the front rows (which in my opinions felt better than in the back), but the airtimes were lacking of a woaw effect, the first hill makes its point because it is sustained, but i was frustrated by the floaty feeling. The dynamic amplitude between morning and afternoon is huge, only around 2pm the ride is showing up its fierce. The ride was rattling, sometimes a bit agressively to my taste (not forgetting that is a world class b&m hyper with a layout glass smooth). The fault might have to be PA maintenance, trying to save on the wheels probably. Dispatch every 5min, yey.