• Chermaine S.

    First Drop Fluidité Hangtime Temps mort

    First drop and subsequent sense of speed are really good, just like the surprise hangtime in the slow roll towards the end. Other than that, this ride doesn't have much to offer, just your standard dive machine.

  • Chermaine S.

    Bonne suprise ! Intensité Fluidité

    This ride is much better than I expected! It's pretty intense as I got a greyout after the looping, some transitions provide some great whip and the ride is pretty long as well. Really good B&M coaster!

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun

    Really fun ride with some great airtime moments and a really fun racing element. During the slow turnarounds there is a lot of interaction with the other train, making you forget about the slow speed. It's a little bumpy but nothing too bad. Overall a really fun ride!

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun

    Really fun ride with some great airtime moments and a really fun racing element. During the slow turnarounds there is a lot of interaction with the other train, making you forget about the slow speed. It's a little bumpy but nothing too bad. Overall a really fun ride!

  • Eleanor Davies


    A decent enough family coaster. On the low end of intensity, but fun to take children and non-coaster lovers on. Go on expecting an ok family coaster and you'll have a good time.

  • Jeff Pimp

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Vibrations Inconfort

    Too rough, used to be so much better.

  • Dan Hughes-shaw

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Intensité Baffes Harnais Inconfort

    The bagging system was poor. Was more worried bout my bag than the ride.the age is showing.. the inversions were great and intense but the transitions into the inversions were poor. Worth a ride but not the re-ride.

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversions Layout Ejectors Fiabilité

    What an insane ride this is. So much powerful airtime, especially the first two hills give amazing sustained ejector combined with a little laterals. The inversions are all amazing as well and really throw you around like a ragdoll. The parts through the structure are incredible with so many headchoppers, inversions and airtime. At night, this ride really is one of the best coaster experiences you can have. This is definitely a backrow ride though. On frontrow the parts through the structure feel a bit slow, while on backrow you get absolutely whipped through it.

  • Dan Hughes-shaw

    Inversions Longueur

    very satisfying duration. A lot longer than the common invert, by far my favourite. Better than Nemesis. Inversions are whippy, intensity is on point during the loop, and everything comes together to make a great ride.

  • James R Ward

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité

    An incredible ride, although I was scared at first it was a lot better than I expected! It was extremely fast and and lots of loops, an incredible experience and would try again.