• Quash Gosh

    Airtimes Fluidité Longueur Launch

    The big launch wasn’t forceful but the rest of the ride definetely was and I liked the warmup part at the start which really has Some airtime. The inversions are very good, I really enjoyed the bat wing. Overall a very good coaster.

  • Quash Gosh

    Airtimes First Drop Débit Vibrations

    That first drop is insane and that airtime hill after the first drop is very strong. The ride is very smooth except if you sit on the far right seat so if you want a smooth ride sit in one of the two middle seats or the left seat and the low to the ground section isn’t forceful Which dissapointed me a bit but the experience is insane!

  • Quash Gosh

    Airtimes First Drop Chef d'oeuvre

    The pacing on this coaster is insane, it feels like it never slows down. And the airtime is very strong. What I also want to say is that the coaster looks so beautiful and impressive.

  • Coolharry64

    Launch Baffes Trop court

    The launch is fun, but would be better with a 3, 2, 1, it could give passengers a better chance to brace themselves, because sometimes the launch comes when you least expect it. Plus, the turns are super sharp, which sometimes smash your head into the restraint, in fact it did when I was 9, & I never wanted to ride this again afterwards. I think this issue could be solved by changing to the softer shoulder restraints like on Maverick & Storm Runner, as I think lap bars would be an unsafe option, which could cause neck injuries.

  • Coolharry64

    Inversions Fun Fluidité Harnais Lap Bar

    Sik is such an enjoyable ride, much better than Colossus. The only problem I have is the restraints. The lap bar crushes your thighs like Skyrush's. It hurt quite a bit on the heartline rolls. I also got a bit wet after the airtime hill, but it was still fun.

  • Coolharry64

    First Drop Théma Débit Trop court Harnais Layout

    I think Oblivion is a snooze fest. I know that this coaster is meant to emphasize its drop, but I think they could've done so much more with it. Heck, I actually prefer Spinball Whizzer. The restraints, the last time I went on it, they pushed it down way too tight, crushing my chest.

  • Coolharry64

    First Drop Théma Fluidité Trop court Inversions Déception !

    I think this coaster in my opinion is overrated. There's no airtime or even a helix. Only inversions & that's it. I know that wing coasters are meant to focus on inversions, but I think that they could've at least thrown in an extra element. & The mid course brake run is a massive buzzkill cos that's pretty much the end of the ride. Yes it is forceful but the layout is just too short & boring.

  • Coolharry64

    Airtimes Confort Ejectors Harnais Inversions

    I got a bit of ejector on the first hill after the launch, & I loved the heartline roll too. I just wish the Jr. Immelmann after the second launch was an actual Immelmann, I was also laughing so much because this coaster is so much fun. I just wish they didn't put seatbelts on it though.

  • Coaster Demon

    Airtimes Vitesse Layout

    Superman The Ride is an incredible coaster. Superman the ride basically has possibly one of the best coaster layouts ever. The restraints are actually not that bad as you can get room with them. The pacing on it is amazing as it flys through the layout until the trim at the end. The airtime is amazing as it give every type of airtime you’d want in a coaster. Ejector, flojector and floater. Superman The Ride is fantastic and that’s why it’s a top 15 coaster for me.

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversions Fun Layout

    Really liked this one, the inversions are very snappy and you can't see them coming and the helix at the end pulls some great positives. Small downside would be the little headbanging, but it wasn't anything too bad.