• Coolharry64

    Inversions Vitesse Layout Harnais

    This is a pretty cool coaster. The second loop after the helix is pretty intense. The restraints do kinda press on my shoulders though. I also associate this coaster with the Robbie Williams song Millennium, because they both share the same name. I also wanna say the final brake run was quite sharp.

  • Coolharry64

    Fun Fluidité Théma

    I'll be honest. I was quite unhappy to see this coaster rethemed to The Walking Dead, seeing as the previous theme X, was a family coaster, quite a baffling decision the say the least. However I do think it's a fun ride for the family, if it was still X. Now the only family coaster there is Flying Fish which can get boring after a while. On a side note I think that there should be a Sonic The Hedgehog Land replacing Angry Birds Land, with 3 new rollercoasters. I just consider the Walking Dead retheme pointless. I wanna see it either rethemed to Crash Bandicoot, or simply back to X.

  • Coolharry64

    Layout Harnais Inconfort

    The restraints are flat out painful. Last time I went on this ride, I got insane cramp in my legs due to the cramped trains. The headbanging was the least of my problems though. If they could retrack the whole thing, that would be great. Also, I wanna see either new shoulder restraints or new vest restraints, because I don't think lap bars really suit the ride.

  • Coolharry64

    Layout Vibrations Déception ! A raser !

    Other than the racing feature, this coaster was a complete & utter nightmare. This is by far the worst roller coaster I have EVER ridden. It was so rough & shaky, & I was convinced I had bruised my butt at the end. & the worst part is, we didn't even win, so therefore the ride was a complete disaster.

  • Coolharry64

    Situation Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    The only good things I can say about this ride are the location on the water, & the extra cushioning on the shoulder restraints. The worst part of this ride was the double inline twist. Even my sister was crying when we hit the brake run

  • Coolharry64

    First Drop Situation Longueur Airtimes

    I actually love this ride. The only rough parts are the turn into the mid course brake run. The airtime on it though is honestly not the best. Also, the tunnel at the end is a terrifying headchopper effect.

  • Coolharry64

    First Drop Inversions Fun Harnais

    My personal favourite inversion of this ride is the Sea Serpent. I also like the corkscrews after the drops from the lift hill. The only thing I criticize is the shoulder restraints. It's also the only Gerstlauer Infinity coaster to have these restraints. Also, the exit from the Batwing/Sidewinder kinda looks like a vertical loop, honestly i'm not sure

  • Quash Gosh

    Vibrations Inconfort

    Better than other vekoma SLC but still horrible

  • Quash Gosh

    Airtimes Intensité Fluidité Trop court

    I think for the space it had this is the best vekoma could do and it really surprised me. It is very smooth and the airtime is great. It is a short coaster but I don’t think that is a downside because I think it would lose the pacing.

  • Quash Gosh

    Airtimes Fluidité Longueur Launch

    The big launch wasn’t forceful but the rest of the ride definetely was and I liked the warmup part at the start which really has Some airtime. The inversions are very good, I really enjoyed the bat wing. Overall a very good coaster.