• Greg H.

    Vitesse Layout Vibrations Inconfort

    Too much rattles to enjoy it. It's sad because the pace and layout are good.

  • Greg H.

    Bonne suprise ! Vitesse Fun

    A really nice family coaster. Very smooth, nice pace. Nothing to hold/grab which adds to the fun.

  • Greg H.

    Launch Vitesse Fun Trop court Débit

    Despite being short, Formula is a nice, fast-paced and fun ride. It's also very smooth and comes with a good amount of airtime.

  • Chermaine S.

    Launch Fun Fluidité Débit

    Holy shit that launch was amazing! I've been on quite a few launch coasters but almost none of them could give me that stomach-dropping feeling like Maxx Force did. The rest of the layout doesn't pull too many forces but is still great fun. That heartline roll is really nice! Overall a great ride and for me the best coaster at Great America. Watch out for long queues though. I waited a solid hour for this ride, while all other coasters at the park had 30-45 minutes max.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Fun Longueur

    My second B&M Hyper after Silver Star, and I must say this one feels pretty different. While Silver Star only shines in its second half, Raging Bull is solid all the way through, with a great first drop (the predrop is really weird but a fun addition), solid airtime moments and a long duration as well. Also, I rode on backrow right seat, and the little drop out of the station produces some weird laterals which was pretty fun.

  • Jeff Pimp

    Situation Layout Vibrations Trop court Inconfort

    Rough but cool

  • Jeff Pimp

    Situation Chef d'oeuvre Longueur

    Wasn’t a fan of the helix but a fantastic ride

  • Jeff Pimp

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Longueur


  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes First Drop Fun Déception ! Layout

    After having ridden Zadra and Untamed, both of which are world-class rides, Goliath just left me feeling a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it's still a solid ride! The first drop and another hill later on offer some great ejector airtime and the rest of the elements are just great fun. Especially love me some zero-G stalls! But yeah, RMC has created much better rides over the years.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun

    This ride really surprised me! The first drop is great and all the airtime hills are taken at a great speed. The ride loses a lot of speed entering the helix, but it picks up the pace again as it spirals down the helix. Reminds me of Colossos in terms of layout, which is a really good thing as I love Colossos! For being Intamins first coaster, this is such a good one!