• Ja C.

    Inversions Vitesse Fun

    Wow thing kinda blew me away. I went in super excited for the big 4, but to my surprise I ended up liking this more than 2 of the 4 (Nitro and Jersey Devil). I’m sure the front row ride helped but this thing is so incredibly fun and surprisingly comfortable. The feeling of flying coasters is so unique and compared to stand ups they’re the way better and more practical out of the box idea. This definitely isn’t the most intense coaster but it doesn’t need to be. You’re moving along at a decent pace, not even through a crazy layout or anything but it’s just such an enjoyable almost relaxing experience, plus it’s butter smooth. Not to mention it also has one of the most insane elements on any coaster which is the pretzel loop. Such a weird but amazing sensation. Compared to the rest of the ride it’s super intense but the contrast between the loop and everything else is actually kinda nice and just works for some reason. Maybe my ratings a little too generous but what can I say it was just too much fun. Kinda underrated if you ask me.

  • Ja C.

    Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    So, I went in knowing this is generally considered to be one of the not as great rides at the park, but I was cautiously optimistic because its B&M and the stand up concept seemed pretty cool to me. I mean what could be so bad about it? Well for starters, literally everything. When I first got on I was baffled by the restraint system cause I’ve never ridden a standup before. When I managed to get into it my toes were touching the floor, but most of my feet were off the ground. I asked the ride op if he could do anything to adjust the height, but he sorta just brushed it off. (Not saying it’s his fault, this was my first time on a stand up so idk how these things work). Still, even in discomfort already I was hoping it would deliver. What would follow is an actual soul sucking experience of a coaster. Usually pain on a coaster comes from head banging, and there was plenty of that, but this is the first time a restraint completely ruined a ride for me. My entire lower half was in excruciating pain through every inversion. When we got to the mid course break run I had a glorious sigh of relief, only to discover it wasn’t over yet. Now I don’t wanna give this thing too much flak cause I’m sure it’s different depending on the rider, but it’s the only coaster I’ve ridden where the pain massively outweighed any fun I was having to the point where you couldn’t pay me to do it again. It just sucked too much for me to ever consider reriding it.

  • Bubble Gaming


    The ride had some nice laterals and is great for kids.

  • CoasterHead

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    Prairie Screamer sure is something. Such an aggressive ride, its ejectors don’t hold back! They aren’t comfortable air tho, most of those hills in the back seat send you up and SLAM you into your seat. It hurts, so brace yourself for that! The front is where I’d say it’s the smoothest row with some nice pops of ejector. Is it worth the trouble if you ever come to Dallas? I’d say so. 64/100

  • Ben Hopson

    Better than the smaller sbf spinners with its slightly longer layout but still quite slow and uninteresting.

  • Ben Hopson

    Intensité Vibrations Inconfort

    The vests make this one of the better SLC's I've done but that really isn't saying much. Despite the new trains the ride still shakes like crazy and makes it very difficult to enjoy what is actually a decent layout. Also, while the restraints eliminate headbanging, the pain is instead felt on your legs as the restraint tightens significantly throughout the ride.

  • Aequus

    Airtimes Fluidité Longueur Launch Intensité

    Abyssus was a big surprise for me in terms of intensity. The first half is super tame, a little unnecessary in my opinion, but it's a nice warmup for what's to come in the second half. The first drop was amazing, but the loop and batwings that followed were very intense, they made me black and gray out several times, which surprised me considering some people complain about this coaster being too tame. I came off with a headache, but honestly I can't complain too much- the ride length is very generous, and the elements flow well into each other. What disappointed me however, were the launches. I got a much better kick out of Formula, for the reason that Abyssus uses two separate, weaker launches to get to roughly the same speed, so it didn't feel nearly as intense. The magnetic launches also took a long time to really kick in, further taking away from the experience, but that goes for its little brother as well. Overall a great experience!

  • Aequus

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Vibrations

    Hyperion lives up to the hype as the second tallest coaster in Europe, and even though the view is not that special at the top given the remote location, the first drop is absolutely unforgettable. The vertical drop at the start is amazing and it goes on for longer than you'd expect, thanks to the fact it leads straight into a tunnel where you'll be crushed by the positive Gs. The lapbars don't leave much to the imagination, feeling very open and free, yet giving a great handle in front of you to hold onto. There's a whole collection of ejector and floater hills through the layout, some hit better than others, but I ultimately found the ejectors to be much better than what the floater hills achieved. Even at the end when you're close to the ground and you'd think the train had lost its momentum to do anything noteworthy, the final two hills will seriously lift you out of your seat. The theming is awesome in the queue, and the placement right next to the park entrance is a bold and great choice in my opinion. The rattle is indeed slightly there in the side seats, but the first inversion feels much more intense there, so that makes it forgivable in my view. There is a metal detector at the start and you get to choose what part of the train you want to queue for, and the operations are super quick.

  • Aequus

    Airtimes Inversions Launch Trop court

    Formula will always hold a special place in my heart given that it was my first ever inverting coaster, and I have to say that it's a really good starting thrill coaster. The launch was very powerful even for a magnetic one, and it leads straight into a sidewinder, which offers some sweet hangtime at the top, especially at the middle of the train. The pacing is great throughout all the rest of the coaster, there is not a single spot to catch your breath through all the surprisingly strong airtime hills, snappy turns and great inversions. The only reason I'm not giving it five stars is the length, it's over very quickly and there would definitely be enough speed by the end to include just a couple more elements.

  • Ma boi

    Fun Intensité Ejectors Trop court

    Like i have absolutely no idea why this gets so much hate. Amazing ride imo. Way, way too short tho, thats why im looking forward to "Insane" at Gröna lund. Also the restraints are good.