• Frans K.

    Vitesse Fun Intensité

    It had a pretty short wait time and it gave really nice forces, for some spots too nice but else it was good.

  • Paul Kuske

    Baffes Harnais A raser !

    Worst ride I've ever been on. I was genuinely worried riding this coaster and wish I'd checked the reviews before riding. Never again. Use the space for a good ride! It has a short queue for a reason!

  • TheYummyDish

    Fluidité Sans intérêt Layout

    This is a normal mad mouse.

  • TheYummyDish

    Vibrations Sans intérêt Layout

    Kiddie coaster .

  • TheYummyDish

    Débit Launch Fun Inconfort

    Ok so this ride was actually really really fun and I’m glad I did this!

  • Nick Kaufmann

    Vibrations Baffes A raser !

    The worst coaster I‘ve ridden !

  • Nick Kaufmann

    Théma Launch Layout

    The theming is amazing but the layout is really old and weak . I think a coaster must have theming and intensity and not only theming but a weak layout .

  • seth w.

    First Drop Débit Trop court Déception !

    Maybe dive coasters just aren't for me but I did not enjoy this. Way too short and the mid course breaks brought the train almost to a stop. It's just a drop and an immelmann, then another smaller drop and immelmann then a forceless helix and you're done. Really wish this thing had more going on. Very much a one trick pony.

  • seth w.

    Launch Trop court

    Obviously this is just a filler clone coaster but it's honestly surprisingly fun. I'd never been on a skyrocket II before but I see why parks have them. I also really didn't mind the restraints, I was expecting them to have a negative impact on my ride much more. The launches are fun especially backwards. Definitely worth a ride at the park.

  • seth w.

    Bonne suprise ! Temps mort

    this ride is actually so much fun. the indoor section was surprisingly forceful for me, and maybe it's cuz I was on an empty stomach but I borderline grayed out during the indoor portion. No other ride at BGW did that for me. There are some dead spots but overall it's such a fun coaster. More intense than I expected but nothing insane like i305. Very much worth the wait.