• seth w.

    Launch Trop court

    Obviously this is just a filler clone coaster but it's honestly surprisingly fun. I'd never been on a skyrocket II before but I see why parks have them. I also really didn't mind the restraints, I was expecting them to have a negative impact on my ride much more. The launches are fun especially backwards. Definitely worth a ride at the park.

  • seth w.

    Bonne suprise ! Temps mort

    this ride is actually so much fun. the indoor section was surprisingly forceful for me, and maybe it's cuz I was on an empty stomach but I borderline grayed out during the indoor portion. No other ride at BGW did that for me. There are some dead spots but overall it's such a fun coaster. More intense than I expected but nothing insane like i305. Very much worth the wait.

  • Max S.


    Fun little junior coaster. Great fit for the park in the kids' section. Not intense at all but also a lot taller and faster than some of the kiddie coasters I've seen in the Cedar Fair parks. I was impressed with the smoothness of this one being from the 90s. 1/5 stars

  • Claire Elizabeth Davies


    After my first ride, early morning, was a bit disappointed, enjoyed it but I think my expectations were maybe too high. Two rides later in the day were far better and more like what I was expecting. Would class Icon as my favourite coaster in the UK but no where near my top Coasters such as RTH, Taron, Kondaa and Toutatis.

  • Evosioa

    First Drop Lap Bar Fun Vibrations

    Fury is my number 3. above Twisted Colossus, but below SteVe and Lightning Rod. My only complaint is a few rides on train 2 started jackhammering near the bottom of the drop. I rode it 6 times, and there were no bad spots, the treble clef was amazing and so was the overall ride.

  • Evosioa

    Airtimes First Drop Launch Fiabilité

    Lightning Rod. An amazing ride, the quad down is possibly my favorite element ever. the entire ride is great, but most has already been said, amazing ride with good elements with poor reliability and a trimmed launch.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Déception ! Sans intérêt

    I was excited when I saw no trims on the drop and the train flew down it, but then I realized the final turn was banked and I got no laterals. Overall this coaster managed to disappoint me despite being a wack worm and overall doesn’t really do anything.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Bonne suprise ! Inconfort Temps mort

    It’s a pretty boring wild mouse overall except for a couple of surprising turns later in the ride. The brakes hit very hard though so that kind of hurt.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité Inconfort

    This coaster is such a hidden gem. It’s one of the most extreme coasters I’ve ridden. The laterals are so strong and abrupt it feels like a car crash. They’re so strong that they push you out of your seat and give you airtime it’s insane. On top of that the pacing is quite strong and there’s a few solid normal airtime hills which are heightened by the insane room that you can get. The only problem with this ride is that there is a couple of rough patches and the laterals are so ridiculous that they knock the wind out of you and after a little bit it started to give me a stomach ache, but I’ll put up with that all day because I love how crazy this ride is.

  • Eline du Mee

    The music makes it so much fun. Can't get enough of that. Coaster itself is fun too!