• Liv B.

    Fun Déception ! Sans intérêt

    This is perfect for a park's family coaster, but since Chessington has so many family rides it is pretty pointless. Other than a fun helix, there isn't to much to it and other than taking some of the queues from other rides in the park, it's pretty pointless. On the other hand, the theming for Scorpion Express is great and it fits perfectly into the Mexicana part of the park.

  • Liv B.

    Fun Layout Baffes Inconfort Temps mort

    Lots of dead spots as most of the ride is simply moving through the forest around it. The best part of the ride is definitely the drop into the tunnel as it picks up a lot of speed and sends the train swinging to the side. As an old arrow coaster the track has plenty of jolts throughout which aren't a huge problem, only a bit uncomfortable. The theming for Vampire is quite weak but as the ride takes place in a big area in a forest it doesn't take from the experience - what little theming there is in the queue and station are pretty good.

  • Liv B.

    Confort Fun Théma Déception ! Sans intérêt

    Spinball Whizzer, although fun to ride, it pretty disappointing. It has very poor theming around the area which simply looks like a lot of bright colours, and the ride layout itself looks better than it is. The best part is definitely the drop into the horse shoe element but the rest of the ride is pretty disappointing. Good to do while at the park and perfect for a first thrill coaster but not worth a long wait, which often happens because of the awful capacity of the ride.

  • Liv B.

    Confort Launch Hangtime Débit

    Chessington's brand new for 2023 coaster!! This ride is perfectly themed and places you right into the World of Jumanji. The station has fantastic theming and even the audio as the first launch starts just wants to make you laugh as you ride. Throughout the layout you get some good pops of airtime, especially at the front of the train on the left side while dropping into the backwards spike. The inversion has some great hangtime and the launch gives a great kick to bring you through the layout!! I noticed a bit of a rattle on the ride and it is worse on the right side of the train but doesn't take away too much from the ride itself. Mandrill Mayhem is the perfect addition to the Chessington line up and it is definitely worth a visit to Chessington!

  • Liv B.

    Airtimes Théma Lap Bar Vibrations

    My only con for this ride is the slight rattle it has, but being a wooden coaster that is completely expected. The entire experience for Wicker Man is incredible. The queue line offers some incredible views of the ride, especially at the beginning and end of the queue and the theming of the area is amazing. The preshow for the ride is a great introduction to the story and a great way to build suspense before the ride. The ride experience is much faster and intense that you would think. The layout has some great pops of airtime and with only the lap bar holding you in it feels incredible. Passing through the Wicker Man structure is an amazing head chopper effect and it happens three times throughout the layout. Overall, Wicker Man is the perfect example of a well-themed coaster with the full storyline and ride experience. Definitely worth a visit to Alton Towers on its own.

  • Liv B.

    Débit Fun Temps mort

    As a small family coaster, the Runaway Mine Train does exactly what it needs to. The ride takes you around the Katanga Canyon area while perfectly fits into the theme of the ride, there is a tunnel which gets the ride going quite fast while moving alongside the Congo River Rapids ride which is fun. The restraints are only a lap bar so when the ride speeds up it takes you by surprise as you dip into the tunnel. Overall it is the perfect family coaster for the Katanga Canyon area of the park.

  • Liv B.

    First Drop Trop court Layout

    Oblivion is perfect as the world's first vertical drop coaster, but over time has become a bit disappointing. Despite this, Oblivion has great re-rideability and comfortable restraints. The suspense that the lift hill and first turn bring is simply fantastic and the drop is amazing, but the layout could definitely use a bit more to it.

  • Liv B.

    Confort Fluidité Débit Temps mort Fiabilité

    Galactica is a very good ride but it is near impossible to get on without having to wait through a break down. The restraints can be uncomfortable before dispatch and while waiting on the brake run which seems to happen a lot but it isn't noticeable during the ride. The ride itself is very fun as you do feel like you're flying, and the turn while you are on your back is very relaxing. Outside of the very well-themed station there is very little theming, but I find that the ride is so quick that it doesn't really matter. It is a pretty short ride and not worth the long waits that it usually gets due to capacity but it is great to ride when you get the chance.

  • Liv B.

    Confort Fun Théma Temps mort

    While The Walking Dead is a fun ride and a pretty good overall experience, the theming of the ride sort of ruins the fact that it is a good family coaster. The theming looks cheap and badly put together, but despite that the preshow and building walk through are a good way to build up suspense. The actors at the end of the ride make it very scary when you leave the building but other than that the ride is a bit of a let down. It tells the story well and I make sure to ride it almost every time I visit Thorpe Park but it still doesn't quite meet the standard. The Walking Dead was definitely better as X and should have stayed that way.

  • Liv B.

    First Drop Intensité Fluidité Harnais

    Everything about the Swarm is perfect. The first drop is simply incredible and the pull-out delivers so many forces. There are so many extremely forceful parts of the ride and the entire ride is butter smooth. The theming for the Swarm is another incredible part of the ride - from the moment you walk onto Swarm island you feel like you are part of the story. Nothing feels out of the place, even the station and train are perfect for the area. The only con of the ride is that the vest restraints can dig into your hips and collarbones, but by the time you actually notice it you are already on the brake run.