• Liv B.

    Confort Fun Débit

    For a kiddie coaster, this a pretty fun ride to go of if you get the chance in the day. Unfortunately though it often gets long queues as one of the only kiddie rides in the park.

  • Liv B.

    Inversions Intensité Harnais Inconfort

    Shockwave has some surprising intensity which you wouldn't really expect by looking at it. The 0G roll makes your feet lift off the floor which is a great feeling and the final two inversions are pretty forceful. Due to only running one train and having a long load time, Shockwave had a pretty long queue throughout the day which the complicated loading certainly didn't help, and at the end of the ride the brakes are very sudden and throw you forward which can be uncomfortable, but that wasn't a big issue at all. Theming in the Adventure Cove area is pretty good but not overly noticeable unless you are looking.

  • Liv B.

    Théma Débit Temps mort

    While it was quite a fun ride, the capacity was terrible which meant that there was a very big queue line the whole day. Most of the ride was just long straight parts and the helix was forceless even for a kiddie coaster. Despite this it is themed to fit well into the Viking section of the park with a well-designed train.

  • Liv B.

    Confort Intensité Trop court

    A fun little family boomerang which has some surprising forces to it. Accelerator has a few surprising pops of airtime and pull forces around some of the bends. Going through the layout backwards is the most fun part although some of the turn are a little uncomfortable. Pretty good theming inside the queue line and a few bits along the layout. Had surprisingly good capacity for a boomerang so the queues weren't too long through out the day.

  • Leo Dunsmuir

    Inversions Vitesse Fun

    I won the first time and lost the second but I think it is always like that. It is amazing with the launch the second isn’t the best though.

  • Leo Dunsmuir

    Inversions Fun Intensité

    Tatsu wow what a ride my best flying coaster and my only.It has so good inversions. 5 G on pretzel loop it was amazing

  • Nathan F


    Weaker of the 2 kiddy coasters, but it’s a kiddy. coaster so can’t get too mad

  • Nathan F

    RailBlazer has wicked pacing. Feels unreal m

  • Leo Dunsmuir

    Vitesse Vibrations Inconfort Fiabilité

    I waited 90 minutes to get my elbow bleeding when I had my hands up plus that was running one train and it did not have to be ninety minutes the operations were horrid not my worst though

  • Nathan F

    Fun Débit

    This ride has the slowest loading I I’ve ever seen at a wild mouse! Fun ride though.