• lyd lydian

    Temps mort

    This was very smooth when I visited, but it was just... boring? I'm sure for its time this coaster was a huge milestone, but in more modern times, it did feel a bit pointless. It just went so sluggishly over these turns, and the ride wasn't racing when I went, so that took away the last chance for this ride to have a redeeming quality! Still, it's always sad to see a classic go, even if it didn't age well, rest in peace Colossus.

  • lyd lydian

    Débit Sans intérêt

    I actually didn't hate this myself? I don't know how because everyone complains about this thing, and understandably so, but to me this was much more boring than uncomfortable. I think I got one flip if that, and it just like wiggled its way down, but I do not genuinely recall any discomfort. It was just kind of a pointless ride, which is a shame, I'm sure if it spun more it would have been more fun, but as it was, it felt like an overbraked wild mouse on its side.

  • lyd lydian

    Airtimes Launch Longueur

    This thing is a great family-thrill type ride! There's that one S-hill with some really wild whip for no reason (and the turn after the second launch is also very whippy) and the launches are surprisingly punchy, but other than that, the coaster maintains its pace nicely for a family coaster. You get some very light float, and the ride is just plain fun! Great addition to this park.

  • lyd lydian

    Inversions Intensité

    This thing is such a sleeper hit at this park! Schwarzkopf loopers have a simple formula, but one that most definitely works! The lone vertical loop is of course the highlight, and it's great, the rest of the layout rounds out the experience. Great ride!

  • lyd lydian

    Airtimes Vibrations Temps mort

    This coaster is alright! Most of it isn't too intense or forceful, but there are some nice floater pops sprinkled throughout, and the turnaround is a good bit intense. The on-board music does a lot to cover up the less interesting spots of the ride! People also like to complain about the mid-courses, but they don't bother me, as you get some nice floater coming in and out of them. Enthusiasts definitely throw too much hate at this coaster, but it's nothing super special either!

  • Kellen Grady

    Bonne suprise ! Fluidité Inconfort

    I've been wary of getting on a FreeSpin for a while after a truly awful experience with Green Lantern: First Flight back in 2017. However, the different axis of rotation makes this ride SO much more comfortable, and actually pretty fun! I'll definitely ride one of these again, although there is still some mild discomfort for me due to the unpredictability of the flipping.

  • lyd lydian

    Intensité Temps mort

    This ride is a lot of wasted potential, unfortunately. The drop doesn't do anything but get you up to speed, and the turnaround is mediocre. The airtime hill does give some light float, and the helix after the midcourse are intense! But given what a coaster this tall could have been, it really is a shame how many of the elements here don't hit :( Also, the MCBR gets you to a full stop and it absolutely saps every drop of the ride's momentum. I get why they do it (to make the helix at the end be a little bit less intense) but I don't think it accomplishes it's goal, because breaking the train to a halt compared to leaving it with 20 or so km/h really wouldn't change all that much, and it'd at least make the ride feel less broken up. Nonetheless, for the two elements in the ride that actually do hit, and for the sense of speed you get (even if said speed is not well-utilized) this ride is fun! Just don't go in expecting a B&M or Intamin hyper.

  • lyd lydian

    Airtimes Vitesse

    This thing was very fun! It has some nice floater pops, and a quick paced layout! I don't think it compares very favorably to some taller and more intense GCIs, but it doesn't need to, the ride is great for what it is.

  • lyd lydian

    Théma Inversions Launch Vibrations

    This thing is so much fun! It can cause headbanging for some people, but I didn't experience any my last ride, and it really made me enjoy the ride! It's got a great double inversion, a strong launch, and going in the dark is always fun! I don't mind the ride dying off after the launch and sea serpent roll, as being in the dark helps!

  • Laurenz T.

    Théma Launch Baffes Inconfort Temps mort

    The theming in the queue and station is great. Unfortunately, the ride can’t hold up to the expectations built up in the queue. Xpress starts off with a surprisingly intense launch followed by the seaserpent-roll making for the rides highlight with only a few rattles. After that there is not too much happening and it’s quite the rough experience overall, with the seats being super uncomfortable too.