• Javier Martin Camara

    Débit Inversions Vitesse Trop court

    Buen boomerang, primera fila se recomienda mas

  • Javier Martin Camara

    First Drop Inversions Intensité

    Me encanto , buena primera caída

  • Javier Martin Camara

    Vitesse Trop court

    Buena velocidad , vibra mucho, mejor en primeras filas, lo malo que es corto, y hay que esperar mucho por la gente

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Launch Vibrations Inconfort

    The launch on this coaster is incredible and right up there with other great launches such as stealth and Red force, the issue is that after the launch as soon as it goes into the main part of the layout it becomes very rough to the point that after the first couple of S bends I was just hoping the ride would stop soon. I don’t know if it was just the seat I happened to be sat in etc but I wouldn’t be too keen on re riding to find out any time soon

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes Launch Intensité Vibrations

    Loved this ride, the launch and the pull up into the top hat might be one of the most intense 5s I’ve ever experienced on a coaster followed by some great airtime and incredible views over the top hat. It’s a bit short and there’s a slight rattle but besides that a phenomenal ride

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    Absolutely outstanding coaster, only managed to get 2 rides in as queues were quite long but this thing really blew me away. It was my first ever B&M Hyper so I hadn’t experienced that long floaty airtime that they’re known for before and I loved every second of it (some of it seemed to border on ejector) it’s perfectly smooth and the lap bars give plenty of room to experience all of that airtime to the max

  • PiratePenguin2

    Situation Vitesse Ejectors

    That first drop is crazy, especially at night diving into the black void of the woods!! Also I love how different the two barrel rolls are! The first one is taken fast and keeps you in your seat, while the second one is taken slowly and gives some nice hang time! Most people critique how short it is, but I feel it is the perfect length to uphold the relentless pacing.

  • IronChef C.

    Vitesse Fluidité

    Solid fun family coaster. Much better than the awful haunts that occupied the building the past few years. The theming is ok, not great and it could use more fx and a story or something. The coaster itself is solid though and a great use of the space

  • Nyargleblargle

    Théma Baffes Harnais Inconfort

    About as comfortable as a Boomerang but with Wild Mouse-tier laterals for some godforsaken reason. To paraphrase a quote from a Disney movie, "Anyone can cook except for whoever made this ride."

  • Nyargleblargle

    Launch Fun Intensité

    Another half star if the Jules Verne theming comes back. Other than that a master class.