• Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Trop court

    Twisted Cyclone is the definition of small but mighty. This packs some super strong typical RMC ejector and three great hangtime filled inversions. The wave turn is definitely the highlight with some crazy strong sustained sideways ejector as well as the drop is great with some awesome airtime and a twist in the middle that provides an unexpected lateral moment. This is definitely very short but that makes for some excellent pacing and for what it packs in it isn;t a huge issue for me.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Launch Harnais Temps mort

    Pantheon isn't like ultra elite but still a super cool multilaunch coaster. The first launch is decent and that zero g winder hangtime is awesome, follow that up with some cool slower outer banks that feel like an RMC prelift that lead into the main treat of this coaster. The first swing launch is fun but nothing special but those second and third launches going over that airtime hill are absolutely incredible with negative and great positive g's. The spike is a really fun element with some sustained floater while looking straight down from around 150 ft up, the drop on this is one of my favorites for how long it lasts and the giant outer bank feels very interesting with how it's more about laterals than airtime. The rest is kind of weak and not all that intense but the stall is decent and the final little snaps are good in the front. Definitely a really unique coaster but suffers from some dead spots.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Longueur

    Magnum really shows the amazing things we got from hand welded coasters. This is one of the jankiest steel coasters ever but oh boy is it awesome. The triangle hills feel so wrong but are way too good, the initial turnaround transition literally slams you sideways and the sustained laterals through it are addicting. The drop and first two hills are also really solid in the back and pure strong ejector in the front. I really hope this classic can stay around for a while because it feels unlike anything else.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Situation Confort Ejectors

    This is one of the most masterful terrain coasters ever created. The first drop on this is fun but nothing compared to that second drop flying over 200 ft down with sustained ejector the whole time diving into the valley below thunderbolt which absolutely blew my mind. The big turn after is really intense and shows the speed super well but the second half is easily the highlight of this masterpiece with 4 insane ejector pops one literally right after the other and with those restraints you go FLYING. The two hills after that slower turn aren't as insane but still really good. The airtime, intensity, terrain usage, sense of speed and just uniqueness in general make this one of my all time favorite coasters.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Fun Ejectors

    I've ridden plenty of times each year it's been open since 2018 and it somehow gets way better each year. Just constant airtime of incredible strength in quick pops like the trick track double up and all the smaller bunny hills as well as the very sustained triple camelbacks make up an amazing collection of pure ejector bliss. The quantity of airtime is amazing but also throwing in 3 great inversions with whip and hangtime and some crazy laterals on the outerbank under the lift hill really balances out this spectacular RMC creation.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Harnais Intensité Ejectors Trop court

    Skyrush makes me feel like I'm gonna die more than any other coaster and that is an amazing thing. The airtime on this doesn't even feel like it should be possible with how god damn strong it is. The drop is RIDICULOUS, the camelbacks literally pull -2 g's and are actually pretty sustained too, the low to the ground turns on this are intense almost to the level of I305 and the twisted hill and stengel dive give laterals to the level of feeling like the ride is going to snap your body in half with just the lap bar. The restraints on this I actually really like and they allow you to experience the insane forces to the fullest extent. This thing is absolutely non stop and gives just some of the greatest forces of any coaster.

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun

    This is a great fun classic PTC woodie with good airtime

  • Inverted Thrills


    Standard kiddie coaster

  • Inverted Thrills

    Glad the ride op let me get this credit even though both me and my friend were too tall to ride

  • Inverted Thrills


    Nice classic kiddie coaster