• James Golding
  • Jake B.

    First Drop Inversions Intensité Inconfort

    It was insane! It is not for everybody as some people might find it hurting your shins, but if you look past that, it’s the craziest most extreme experience you will ever have! It’s very disorienting and it is a sensory overload! Highly recommend.

  • Felsic Canis

    Théma Launch Intensité Trop court

    i adore this ride. I don't think it fits a whole lot with the area but I don't care. it can be very intense but its such a thrill. I love the theming- it feels like you're in a Fast & Furious movie- but in a good way!

  • Felsic Canis

    First Drop Fun Longueur Vibrations Inconfort Intensité

    Rode Behemoth for the Season Passholder preview day on April 30th, and I was excited because i saw it had some minor retracking done I'm pretty sure. But I rode it and oh my god- its way rougher than I remember! I had a headache when i got off. Still love it but not sure I will ride it again for the rest of the season.

  • Heiko Hartmann

    Airtimes First Drop Harnais Vibrations

    The good thing here is: Ride in the front for more aggressiveness and ejector airtime, ride in the back for floater airtime on the first two hills. Unfortunately it already has some slight rattle in the back seats.

  • Heiko Hartmann

    Airtimes Launch Fun Débit

    Loved the floater (or weak ejector) airtime on the hills. Very smooth ride.

  • seth w.

    First Drop Vitesse Déception !

    Maybe it's because I waited 90 minutes with Fury being right next door, but I was pretty disappointed by this ride. I haven't had a ton of experience on B&M hypers, but I was expecting a bit better than this. I didn't get as much airtime as I expected. I need to reride soon, but as of now it's easily my least favorite of the four major coasters in the park.

  • seth w.

    Not as bad as people make it out to be. I rode twisted timbers before this which was cool to see the original layout. I also got decent airtime on the first few hills and the roughness was tolerable and added some interest to an average layout. Again, not as bad as people made it to be and a lot of the GP seemed to really enjoy it too.

  • seth w.

    It's better than a lot of people make it out to be, but maybe I just got a good ride. I flipped three times and although short is really chaotic and disorienting. Much better than I expected.

  • seth w.

    Intensité Harnais Inconfort

    If you're over 6'2 and skinny you will feel some soreness on your collar bone the next day. Intense ride and really great but the over the shoulder restraint is brutally uncomfortable.