• Coasterfan3657

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre

    absolutely amazing

  • Michael M.

    Fun Intensité Vibrations Débit

    This surprised me with its intensity, mainly due to the sustained positive Gs. The rattle, however, is also intense and detracted from the experience. The capacity is horrid and for reasons unknown, they were only running 1 train, making it even worse. The ops were hauling though and it looks like the layout should support 3 trains, which would improve the situation somewhat. It just isn't worth waiting that long in line as it is though. That line was just as long as the one for Twisted Timbers, even though they were only running 1 train on that too.

  • Michael M.

    Théma Inversions Fluidité Débit Inversions

    I mean, this wasn't awful. It wasn't painful or uncomfortable, was quite smooth, and the inversions (if you get them at all) are unpredictable and that adds an element of excitement, but the ride is really too short to get much enjoyment out it and the capacity is too low to make waiting in line for multiple rides worth it. Curiously, this is the first coaster I have seen where the chain lift completely stops when no train is on the hill. I also don't know why these free-spins are called 4D coasters at all. A "normal" coaster gives you 3 "dimensions", pitch, yaw, and roll. A true Arrow/S&S 4D coaster adds the seat pitch control, which I guess counts as the 4th dimension. But on the free-spins, there is no yaw control at all (you can only go forwards/backwards and up/down) and there is no fixed pitch control as any track pitch change can be and often is counteracted by the pitch of the seats. Therefore, I think "2.5D Free-Spin Coaster" would be a more appropriate name for this genre.

  • Michael M.

    Théma Launch Intensité Théma Launch Lap Bar

    Wow, Premier really came a long way with their track profiling in the 10 years between Flight of Fear and this. The transitions on this one are smooth enough to be enjoyable and parts of the ride are surprisingly intense. My favorite part is the headchopper under the queue line at the very end. Shooting out of the indoor section back into the blinding light and directly towards the queue bridge is disorienting and startling. The rapid slope downward to clear the bridge even gives a quick pop of airtime. The first launch starts a bit slowly, but the second launch (which I wasn't expecting) seemed to hit harder and was more exciting, though that may have just been because it surprised me. There's plenty of theming, but I got the impression in the (clevely-disguised MCBR) helicopter scene that some of the theming might be broken. The red train is themed nicely, but the white train is just a featureless outline with no coloring or decals or anything. What's up with that?

  • Coach Rolo


    A wild mouse that truly spins

  • Totally Max

    Fun Harnais Inconfort

    I managed to ride it three times on my first visit to Phantasialand. I sat twice around the middle, and once all the way at the back. While the coaster looks fabulous from the outisde, and the ride system is absolutely amazing from an engineering standpoint- I did not like it. The position you're in was uncomfortable for me. (Maybe because I'm tall? 194cm). I got sick later in the day and we had to leave the next morning (I had booked 2 full days).. Now I don't know if it was related to this coaster or not, but reading some of the other reviews about this coaster making them sick, I guess I don't have to look further. So, kudos to Vekoma for making this incredible machine, and I'm happy that other people are able to enjoy this coaster, but it's not for me.

  • Sean R.

    First Drop Fun Intensité Vibrations

    My first international coaster…and a pretty fun one at that. The concept is pretty wild and the first drop and banked hill through the building wall are excellent elements, but I can’t help but think this could’ve/would’ve been an elite coaster if done right in the second half. It runs out of steam early and it’s showing some age with a pronounced and distracting rattle. With all this said, I’m going to look back and remember how I was smiling the entirety of both rides I took basking in the sheer joy of riding an Intamin hyper-coaster on top of a building in Tokyo rather than focusing on what could’ve been.

  • Matt Rappaport

    Théma Launch Longueur Airtimes

    Cosmic Rewind, while very out of place with the rest of Epcot's theming, is a great coaster in most respects. The theming in the queue is excellent, the backwards launch is also really fun and it's quite a long ride. However, the ride has almost no airtime and it's a pretty forceless coaster overall save for some Gs on the twists. It's a fun ride, yes, but I do still wish it had a bit more to it.

  • Matt Rappaport

    First Drop Situation Launch Temps mort

    Incredible Hulk is another great ride from B&M and is an iconic Universal ride for a reason. Its launch is excellent, the first drop, massive cobra roll, and multiple loops are also wildly fun and intense. The twists after that pull some nice Gs, but ultimately aren't quite as phenomenal as that first half.

  • Matt Rappaport

    Théma Vitesse Layout

    Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure is truly a...well magical experience. Is it the most intense coaster out there? No. Is it an extremely fun, charming, and excellently themed one? Absolutely. I truly adored my experience on this coaster and the multiple launches and twisty layout provide a smooth, fast, and one of a kind experience that is not to be missed!