• Connor Conant

    Inversions Launch Intensité Trop court

    I often give very good scores to rides that are a bit short for my liking, but deliver a great ride experience. This is no exception. That flying snake dive is out of this world. The whip on that thing is insane. Also, no one told me that launch was going to be that intense! I've ridden Xcelerator, and I was expecting this to be a step down, but I actually like this a little more.

  • Connor Conant

    Situation Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    This thing basically does nothing. A night ride is unmatched, but this layout is one of the most boring displays of ineptitude I've ever seen. The only reason this gets three stars is the location - that setting in the woods is awesome.

  • Connor Conant

    Airtimes Vitesse Fluidité

    It's crazy that this ride that stands barely over 100 feet tall is better than a 300 - foot - tall behemoth. This ride has pacing on par with some RMC Raptor Prototypes. Also not even a hint of roughness.

  • Connor Conant

    Airtimes Longueur Temps mort

    This is the Millennium Force of hybrid coasters. It was revolutionary for its time, but other rides just like it have passed it up. That run of airtime hills at the end was weak at best, and I couldn't locate a standout element. I appreciate what this ride did for the industry, but I'm not it's biggest fan.

  • Connor Conant

    Débit Inversions Situation Vibrations

    This had one of the strongest rattles I've ever experienced on a roller coaster. Seriously, it was insane. That's why it's not a five - star attraction. However, I did get a smooth experience a few years back that delivered on the inversions with even a little whip.

  • Connor Conant

    Airtimes Vitesse Ejectors Trop court Harnais

    This ride feels too short. That's the long and the short of it. However, what's there is insane. The pace is impeccable - it feels like it's going 100 instead of a modest 55. The airtime is absurd, but it hurts with those shoulder straps. I slammed my shoulders into the harness so hard on the twisted hill it left them red for the rest of the day. But other than that, this ride is amazing.

  • Connor Conant

    First Drop Théma Bonne suprise !

    I seriously hope that Six Flags works with B&M more. This ride was spectacular - in all three rows. It's in my personal top 100.

  • Connor Conant

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Temps mort

    The part on top of the quarry is sluggish, and I honestly think it takes away from some of the ride experience. Other than that, this ride is awesome. That dive off the quarry was great even in the middle. That first drop is mental. Seriously, this ride is worth your time.

  • Christofer Kofod

    Fun Longueur Temps mort

    I love this Ride it Holds a Special Place in my Heart for Being my first inversion. Other than the loop the Ride Kinda Meanders but it is very fun.

  • Zachary McCullough

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    Twisted Timbers is the ultimate airtime machine! With great ejector airtime and whippy, snappy inversions, this coaster doesn't let up. This coaster keeps throwing great element after great element at you. I especially loved the back to back airtime hills.