• Gavin Sikon

    Inversions Situation Fluidité Trop court Théma

    This is a really smooth ride that felt more like a B&M at a Cedar Fair park more than anything. It felt smooth but pretty forceful, each inversion is better than the less, and nothing can beat the hang time from the zero g stall over the lake! It could just be a few seconds longer and the Pittsburgh Steelers aren’t really the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to what this one of a kind experience is similar to. Number Score: 8.5/10 Letter Grade: B Pros: Smooth, Great Location, Great Inversions, Forceful. Cons: A tad short, rather unusual theming.

  • Gavin Sikon

    Fun Intensité Ejectors Vibrations Inconfort Fiabilité

    Oh boy. This ride is definitely something. I heard about this being a rare credit that was a real tossup on whether you would be able to get on it at all or not. But when I did, I had no idea how brutal this ride was. On each hairpin turn, you are shaken from one side to the other like you’re a Rottweiler’s favorite toy, and there is a specific drop that goes so close to the track above, that I had to duck my head each time so it wouldn’t get knocked off clean. After another round of getting shaken and beat around in another set of hairpins, you are greeted with a long turn and some small bunny hills which feel like rewards for surviving the roller coaster embodiment of the Salty Spitoon. It is no surprise that two people need to be in each row of the cart and it has since become a game to see how much it would mess up each load of riders in the bulky cyborg mouse(?) themed cars. It has also become a personal infamous ride / inside joke for me where I also call it by, “Lord Have Mercy: The Ride.” As rough and cruel it is, I don’t want it torn down due to the secretive yet violent nature of it that makes the Rollo Coaster across from it look like the coaster for the supposed “snowflakes” that can’t handle this enigma of a ride. LONG LIVE THE GUILLOTINE DROP! Number Score: 5/10 Letter Grade: C Pros: Fun experience, smooth finale, bunny hops, Rich history, joke status / meme potential. Cons: Rough, borderline dangerous, not too reliable (from what I’ve heard), drab color scheme, hard brakes.

  • Gavin Sikon

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Confort Vibrations Temps mort

    For years, I heard a lot of slander and slack directed towards the Big Apple as it was considered a giant, rough, and pointless TOGO hyper up until it got the new Premier Rides trains in 2021. When my family said we were going to Las Vegas for spring break, this was one of the first things I wanted to try. I wanted to see how good or bad this was, to see if Premier Rides saved the experience, and alas, they absolutely freaking did. The location around the coaster, themed to New York City itself, was always great and anyone like me could easily fall in love with it. For the most part, the ride was incredibly smooth with the new trains except for some rough patches at the hill after the second drop and the two inversions, the vertical loop and the dive loop. Said trains were incredibly comfortable and eliminated any possible headbanging from the previous trains, albeit the lap bar may sometimes get too tight. My main and only other con aside from the rough patches is that not much really happens after the break run and it feels like a slightly sluggish victory lap more than anything. However, the helix is admittedly a nice and simple finish to this experience. Overall, I feel like Premier Rides did a good job in saving this ride and basically did a reverse-RMC to this formerly infamous ride to improve it and with great success too. The ride was so smooth that I forgot it was built by TOGO in the 1990’s and it was just a solid, fun ride that was a highlight of my trip. Number Score: 8/10 Letter Grade: B Pros: Smooth, Good Location, Comfortable Trains, Fast paced and intense at some points. Cons: Rough patches, relatively boring second half.

  • Koen

    First Drop Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre

    RMC (with Vekoma in EU) I love you. The sheer looks of this coaster is a dragon, period. Fine engineering at its peak. Beside the insanely long queue with loudspeakers that play so loud you might be deaf on both sides, it hypes you up for what's coming. And before we get to the ride experience some crucial information: ride it at the end of the day in the rear. Its a difference between day and night. The climb together with the chain and clicking sound from the anti-rollback security already makes you nervous as hell. Once you get pulled over to the first drop followed by head choppers it is just non stop relentless ride that tosses you around as a ragdoll. Every single angle, tilt and torsion in the track is there to never let you rest and honestly I can't tell any dead spot. It made me yell of joy throughout the ride. As with RMC its as smooth as butter and you can tell that with the speed it hits the brake run. This is my number one coaster.

  • Koen

    Vibrations Inconfort

    Can confirm what the review say. Its not just the discomfort, there are elements in the ride that I could not even think of how unlogical it is. The spinning part was a nice suprise though...

  • Koen

    That elevator is something else. I was scared as it tilts the boat slightly left anf right while ascending. Though it was not so warm we decided to ride it and the first drop despite being a low angle it build up the speed well. Depending on the weight distribution and which row you sit, you get soaked.

  • Koen

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Vibrations

    Oh yeah, what-a-beast! The lay out is truly impressive when you arrive at the park. The queue is long as in barely any shortcut for off peak days but at least well themed compared to the rest of the park. Great train with restraints. I highly recommend the middle two seats where your feet are off the ground. And here comes the only downside, do not take the outer seats especially in the rear. It takes most of the joy away from the ride and the sway is very noticable there, It gave me headaches big time. The first drop is the best I have every experienced. It drags you down like a freefall. WOW. The speed is beyond insane and with the second hill being much lower, the high speed will give you big airtime. The middle part of the coaster, before you enter the ejector and helix is kind of forceless. After that it stays low to the ground and oh boy those ejectors are something. Careful not to hit your neighbour on the right side when it does ;) Before the brake run there are good airtime moments before slamming into the brake run. This coaster is absolutely worth the visit to the park.

  • Koen

    Vitesse Fluidité

    I honestly think this is a fine family coaster. Double lap and is has some force at least.

  • Koen

    Launch Fluidité Intensité

    Kind of a mini Abyssus, but for me due to the sharp and short elements I got a headache big time from it. Might be a personal thing...

  • Koen

    Intensité Layout Longueur

    One of the better themed coasters in the parc in an area that finally makes some sense. The theming elsewhere in the parc is messy and cheap. The double launch is a good feauture. The first launch directly pushes you into a banked curve and has hills that fit the speed very well before the second launch. The second launch is fine. Not those Intamin launches a.k.a. powerful launches. After the top hat it has a great pace full with hills and banked curves with excellent forces. Not my favourite type in coasters, but I really apprecoated it during this ride. Together with Hyperion and Zadra, this coaster definitely rules the parc.