• Emily Mann

    Airtimes Launch Hangtime Harnais Inconfort

    This ride was so much fun if you don’t focus solely on the cons. The thrill of their airtimes was something i never experienced before. However, the “seat” is extremely uncomfortable. I could barely get in it to begin with. Once i did “sit” on the “seat” it was so uncomfortable on my below area. Despite this being a standing coaster, most of the ride i was in the air with my feet off the ground. While the feeling of this was amazing, whenever my feet would return to the ground, my bottom area would slam into the “seat” (i say seat in quotations because it felt like a bicycle seat at times but worse). Despite the uncomfortable seat, this ride was a blast and i had fun.

  • Insane Coasters

    Airtimes Débit Hangtime Temps mort Intensité

    Great hangtime and good airtime but wish it was a little more intense

  • Insane Coasters

    Airtimes Fun Hangtime Temps mort

    The interaction between the two sides is amazing and the airtime and inversions are great. I hate how the lift hill on green ruins the pacing but for the most part it's great.

  • Insane Coasters

    Airtimes Fun Intensité Temps mort

    Very fun and intense especially the triple camelbacks but has some pacing issues.

  • Insane Coasters

    Airtimes Hangtime Longueur Temps mort

    Great airtime of of all kinds and great hangtime filled inversions. There's unfortunately a few random dead spots especially towards the end but still a really good ride.

  • MapleFlakes

    First Drop Inversions Fun Trop court Débit

    This is a very unique little ride. It was my first Euro-Fighter, and while I know it's very different from most of them, it still left a pretty good first impression. The first drop is very fun and I actually didn't mind the vertical lift hill, which is something I usually quite dislike. The ride has a good sense of speed in the beginning, but even when the midcourse barely hits the ending is a little slow. Granted, that is why the heartline roll delivers such good hangtime, so it's a give and take. It goes without saying that this has awful capacity. We rode Twisted Cyclone 5 times back-to-back with no wait on the same day we waited 40 minutes for this coaster once. 7.5/10 - I don't know why but all the operators started singing happy birthday to a rider when we were sitting on the brake run

  • David Čuban


    Fun layout, comfortable and family-oriented coaster

  • David Čuban


    Even worse operations than on Expedition GeForce. Two operators and I sit in the train like 5 minutes before dispatch.

  • Chris2626

    Airtimes Débit Ejectors

    Best B&M hyper! Back row is where it’s at. Last bunny hills give genuine ejector airtime. No mid course, 9 car trains, no trims, great helix turnaround…what’s not to love!!

  • Chris2626

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Trop court

    Underrated RMC but it’s definitley too short. First drop in the back row is insanely powerful and the wave turn is a great moment.