• Theresa Byrne
  • Brian Start

    First Drop Bonne suprise ! Inconfort Airtimes

    I thought this was a rather nice wooden coaster, fills a mid-level, almost family intensity slot for this park. Yeah, there's a specific turn that I think is really rough and I wish I got more airtime, but no coaster is perfect. :P

  • Coaster Nut

    Fun Layout Débit

    I always enjoy these spinners as a nice diversion. If it hadn't been for my Flash Pass I would have skipped this, because the low capacity makes for a very long queue.

  • Kellen Grady

    Théma Layout Déception !

    Simply not as good as it’s california counterpart. It’s roughly a mirror image, but the theming isn’t as good and it’s missing the awesome tunnel explosion set piece from Disneyland. Also missing the town scene at the end that I loved so much.

  • Jake H.

    Intensité Inconfort

    Project Zero is the relocated name of BuzzSaw from Dreamworld, and unfortunately it doesn’t ride any better. While it’s intense, it still has potholes and rattles, and the forces can border on uncomfortable instead of fun. The theming and presentation is definitely the weakest of the three coasters at the park. Essentially, nothing has really been improved from Dreamworld’s iteration, but for a small park, that’s probably fine.

  • Robert A.

    Airtimes Launch Intensité Fiabilité

    Stealth is an awesome ride. It's the textbook definition of "one trick pony", but the one thing that it does do is executed so well that it ranks among my favourite roller coasters of all time. Looking down the launch in the front row brings great anticipation, the launch itself is unreal, the drop off the top hat is SO good in every single row and the airtime hill is a good way to round things off. It's intensely rerideable, what are you doing if you go to Thorpe and only ride Stealth once?

  • Robert A.

    Théma Intensité Ejectors Débit

    Fantastic theming, actual sense of fear in the station, violent transitions and THREE moments of ejector airtime. What a fantastic ride. I won't forget that this ride, while it can be smooth, can also be very aggressive and "too much" for some people. It's been pretty consistently smooth for me over the past few years with my last properly "bad" ride being all the way back in 2020. It has admittedly lost a bit of the intensity that it used to have in my first few years of riding it, but I guess that's to be expected with bigger and bigger rides as I start getting on better coasters. Don't get me wrong, Saw is still great and an awesome UK roller coaster! I'm so happy the midcourse brake run isn't trimmed too, it makes for a brilliant finale with the harshest ejector pop on the ride straight into the most intense part, a tiny dive loop that you take at super speed. Thorpe - don't EVER touch this bit, it's perfect as is.

  • Coaster Nut

    Vitesse Fun Longueur Vibrations

    Easily my favorite floorless. My first ride was in the front, which gives a great sensation of speed. You also get a smooth ride with some unique pops of air and good intensity on the inversions. My next rides were in the middle and back, and there was a moderate rattle that took away some of the fun. Ride in the front -- it's worth the wait.

  • Nathan F

    Situation Vibrations

    Giant Dipper is a classic wooden coaster, and it's just okay. A little on the rough side.

  • Hunter M.

    Inversions Intensité Vibrations Baffes Harnais

    The only coaster to ever make me nauseous.