• Simon V.

    Hangtime Déception ! Sans intérêt Temps mort

    Long but boring. I would call it a family coaster but because of the corkscrew its somthing between but also nothing awsome.

  • Simon V.

    Fun Intensité Fluidité Débit Harnais Inconfort

    Volare isn't a good ride but it's suprisingly fun and smooth. I personally liked this coaster somehow, even with those discomforting harnesses (actually the loose feeling intensifies the experience). Unpopular oppinion: I had more fun on this abbomination than on Untamed at Walibi Holland (I like it Intese and out of controll)

  • Srivanth A.

    Théma Launch Longueur Temps mort

    This ride is really good i like some of the ejecter airtime it was really fun and the launches are really stupid good i love the theming its one of the best in the world. But main con with taron with me is the dead spots like the trims on the bunny hills if the trims were never added this could of bean the best ride in the park but beacuse of the trims its a 9/5.

  • coaster land

    Fluidité Trop court Temps mort Layout

    This is a standard layout Zierer force 190 and has been cloned 8 times. That being said this is a very smooth ride with a mild bit of positive force and no airtime. These facts are not at all surprising when you consider this is the park's only true junior coaster. I did not go as low as half a star simply because I did not dislike this coaster, in fact, I found it to be a relaxing albeit forceless ride that allowed me to get a coaster credit that gave me a break from the larger and more insane coasters at the park. Overall Air Grover does what it was intended to do, nothing more, nothing less.

  • coaster land

    Airtimes Intensité Layout Vibrations Inconfort

    Well, where do I start with this incredible CCI creation? It has an excellent layout that I personally prefer over the Legend at Holiday world, which is an impressive feat considering how much I love the legend. To continue I will break down what makes this ride great. To start this ride had some surprisingly good floater and ejector airtime moments, all of which were very strong for a CCI creation. The ride also has the strongest and most violent laterals I have ever experienced. The laterals are what makes this ride for me, I have never experienced anything quite like it. The pacing is awesome and the ride maintains speed well over its nearly 4000 feet of track. You know a ride is well-paced when you come into the brake run and the upstops are spinning like crazy. The ride never lets up and throws a variety of different types of forces at you. Now for the one problem with Rampage, the roughness. Despite the recent track work on some sections I personally think the park needs to do the entire ride. Rampage seems to have square wheels during certain moments of the ride which is rather unfortunate but not surprising given the high stress on the track and supports. Overall this is an epic coaster that offers a lot and did not by any stretch of the measure let me down, in fact, it exceeded expectations.

  • LolUrDad !

    Lap Bar Launch Intensité Vibrations

    This is a great ride that has two insanely punchy launches and great inversions. I love the backwards bit, so disorienting. My main problem with this ride is the unbearable rattle the ride has in some of the pullouts. Honestly worse than Shellraiser.

  • trec ccst

    Théma Vitesse Intensité

    (written before retrack) in my opinion this is the best coaster in the uk, basically tied with the smiler. nemesis does not have a single dull moment the entire ride, the speed (especially with a 42ft drop???) and intensity are ridiculous, it hugs the terrain as much as it possibly can and still wouldn't dare hurt you 30 years later. this coaster is so good i couldn't think of a single con for it, the only one i considered was "too short" but even then... is it? like it's far from the longest in the world but i don't think it needs to be any longer. i just hope that the retrack keeps the coaster as intense and amazing as it was before! (i can't imagine it wouldn't)

  • trec ccst

    Théma Inversions Intensité Inconfort

    there wasn't enough space for me to put all the pros of this coaster. this coaster is craziness in its purest form, the coaster just comes at you with inversion after inversion, and it's so knotted in within itself you really can't tell where you're going. the coaster being split into two halves is great because it means that the coaster doesn't lose pace, and gives you a moment to breathe which is *definitely* something this one needs. i still find it extremely impressive how this coaster was crammed into this tiny space AND has amazing theming (and LORE?). i wouldn't be the first to say it's a masterpiece, that's for sure. p.s. only reason i put discomfort is because i got painfully stapled on my second ride and there's one or two janky transitions that i already knew about before riding, it's nothing atrocious

  • trec ccst

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Temps mort

    i think i should cut this coaster some slack, since it's a family coaster and i shouldn't expect any over-the-top intensity, but jesus this has to be the first coaster i've ridden where you REALLY feel those trims hit. also, i think the "nice surprise" pro is a bit redundant since everyone and their mother knows what happens on this coaster, but i still like it. it's incredibly funny, especially if you're actually riding with the one mother who doesn't know it's coming...

  • trec ccst

    Vitesse Fun Théma

    it's actually a lot more fun than you'd think, i think spinning coasters are always pretty fun and i love spinball with its unpredictability. it's not anything amazing, but it's fun and i like that!