• Keystone Coasters

    First Drop Vitesse Intensité Vibrations

    Millennium Force is one of the best coasters I’ve ever ridden. I hear a lot of enthusiasts call this “Millennium Forceless” which is not whatsoever. The first gives incredible ejector airtime and so do all the other hills on the ride. And the overbanked turns are actually quite intense giving good positive g’s along with a great sense of speed. And even in the areas that aren’t super intense, this ride is just pure fun. My only issue is the rattle which thought it could be worse, it still does take away from the ride experience a little bit. But even with a slight rattle, Millennium Force is just an all around incredible ride.

  • Raullm 5555


    Es una kiddie, esta bien para lo que esta hecha

  • Raullm 5555

    Buena familiar, un theming aceptable y sensaciones aceptables

  • Rik Steetsel

    Situation Longueur Vibrations

    Its better than Tonnerre De Zeus before the retrack but its still a very heavy ride with some rattle moments.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes Confort Intensité Layout

    Finally a good coaster in France, I love this coaster its nice themed and has great forces and airtime. The lay out is somehow to simple for me but it says its not a bad coaster.

  • Nicolas K.

    Intensité Hangtime Lap Bar

    Overall not a bad ride but it comes with some cons: The Lap Bars makes it very uncomfortable to cross the train to store your backpack at the exit side. The ride overall is too short. The Hangtime at the top is nice, but the break before the drop brings the train to an almost full stop which takes away a lot of the trill. The launches forward and backward are okay. At Holiday Park this second coaster was worth to ride once and switch back again to Expedition Geforce.

  • Nicolas K.

    Théma Layout Débit

    Nice Wild Mouse Ride with some banked turns and even slight moments of airtime. The Layout changes between sections with typical hairpins and hills and banked curves. Not a long ride, not an intense ride, but as good as you can expect.

  • John De Nardi

    Airtimes First Drop Vibrations Temps mort

    a way more complete ride than it’s Canadian fellow B&M “hyper” Goliath at La Ronde. It doesn’t have as many airtime hills but what its strengths lie in is its first drop, which feels longer and more thrilling, it’s hammerhead turn around which was forceful and quite fun and the final helices which are forceful but not too intense either so it can be enjoyed without blacking out. One thing definitely stands out is the staggered seats on the trains. The backseat is wild due to the extended length of the trains. The only con would be the trim breaks and the slight rattle, but not nearly enough to make the ride uncomfortable.

  • Tarantulip

    Airtimes Lap Bar Bonne suprise ! Vibrations

    People wanting to see this ride go makes me so sad :( This ride rarely gets a ride due to the fact the entrance is tucked away into a corner and its age, but it's a lot of fun and means a lot to me!!! This differs from other Coney Island Wildcat clones like Grizzly because it has some banked airtime hills! It's such a neat thing to see on such an old coaster. Of course it's rough, any coaster of its age would be. But it doesn't take away from my enjoyment if I'm not in a wheel seat. The only really rough spot is after the first drop and even then it doesn't even feel like jackhammering. The best seat in my opinion is 6th Car Row 1. It's not too rough and all of the hills hit at least a little bit. So I recommend taking that row if you can! For a play-by-play, the first drop is alright. You get a quick little lift out of your seat in most rows. The first valley has positives but it's tough to appreciate since that moment in particular is very rough. The first turnaround doesn't do much but it's a nice sightseeing opportunity! The drop off the turnaround is okay, followed by a bunny hill that is profiled very well and gives the strongest moment of airtime on the ride. The following small speed hills can give small little pops in certain rows but it's not too notable. The second turnaround is different than the others in the sense that it's banked, so you'll get a pinch of lateral hangtime here. The following hill gives a good pop of airtime followed by a burst of laterals when you travel left. This is followed by a banked airtime hill. The hill doesn't do too much at first, but most rows will get a pop of airtime as it straightens out and everyone gets the cool feeling of heading over a hill at a weird angle. The third turnaround is taken faster than the first and is unbanked, so it gives good laterals. The rest of the ride can give some slight airtime on the drop and the hills before you hit the brakes. I love WIlde Beast so much. I'd love to see it retracked by Gravity Group like Grizzly. It has the potential to be so good. I have good memories and I think all wooden coasters are beautiful. Especially ones that have brought enjoyment to people for a long time like this one :)

  • Lennert Vandewiele

    Airtimes Vitesse Fluidité

    What an amazing ride this is! The hangtime you get during the first small stall (or however it’s called), the triple launch on the airtime hill and especially the last inversion are my favourite parts of this coaster!