• Patrick Elwood

    First Drop Longueur Vibrations Temps mort

    I had a lot of fun on it but my main problem with it is the fact that its quite rough. Also there are way to many mid-course break-runs. Other than that a good ride.

  • John Doe

    Vitesse Intensité Ejectors Trop court Fiabilité

    I love Iron Gwazi. Maybe not as much as most people, but it's an intense machine with amazing spots of electors, high positive and negative Gs, and incredible pace. It absolutely tears through the just over 4,000 ft course, which seems pretty short for the speed that it runs at. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing, but I wish there was just a tiny bit more track length, even a couple hundred feet more would be great. Then again, I say that about most rides, so take it with a grain of salt. As for negative Gs, the airtime on this is unbeatable. For positives, I think Montu is still #1 in the park, but this being a close second really says something about it. The pullout from the first drop is incredible and if you ride back row, it tries to throw you to the moon. I think I preferred the outerbank on this to SteVe, but the length of this keeps it from topping the original hyper hybrid. My number 2 in Florida and number 3 all time.

  • Ivan Claeys

    Théma Intensité Fluidité

    I like Oziris a lot. It's the best suspended coaster I know AND it has great theming. Not only with the boarding station (an beautiful Egyptian tempel), but also the environment is great, there are live actors doing a show and the music is nice. A example for other parcs!

  • Ivan Claeys

    I didn't expect it to have some intense moments. The coaster is good. It would benefit from some more theming.

  • Parker Davidson

    As far as kiddies go, not too bad

  • Parker Davidson

    Situation Déception !

    its fine. end of story

  • Parker Davidson

    Layout Débit

    50 minute wait time at the dead of night, but one of the better mountain coasters I've been on.

  • Parker Davidson

    I guess I never needed to have children anyways

  • Parker Davidson

    Never been on a more painful kiddie coaster in my life.

  • Parker Davidson

    First Drop Layout

    It's my all time #1 so far. The layout is incredible, with breakneck pacing and every element in the books packed in so well. Numerous headchoppers, and butter-smooth.