• Lukas 42

    First Drop Fun Fluidité

    For a fairground ride, theming of this charming classic is pretty cool and like other Schwarzkopf Wildcats, this one is also a great ride: considering its age, it runs fantastically smooth and the first drop has decent forces.

  • Lukas 42

    Situation Fun Layout

    One of the better Alpine Coasters with an interesting layout: the first part is quite steep and terrain-hugging and after this, there are many helices with decent laterals.

  • Lukas 42

    Situation Vitesse Fun

    Albeit being automatically braked, this is one of the better Alpine Coasters out there. It has a great pacing, nice views and a decent layout!

  • Kofeblok

    Théma Vibrations Déception !

    Well its an coaster that tried. It tried to to make a coaster with a nice theme. But thats really it. It just rattles the entire ride which made me not enjoy the theme. Its disappointing, it really could have done more.

  • Kofeblok

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Fluidité Débit

    A fun little spinny coaster that goes down a small top hat. Its a fun little coaster that I like to go to, the only proplem is that it only takes 4-8 people at a time. Which means youll be waiting for a long time on a peak day. But overall it was a nice suprise!

  • Kofeblok

    Launch Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité

    I don’t know what to say its a very great coaster over all. Its just makes everything right, the lap bar fits in great and it has an great launch. It goes up and down with great inversions. It also goes with a lot of speed through corners which feels just so great. And then the launch to the top hat is just so satisfying. It makes combined everything great. You just have to ride it yourself.

  • Daniel Stark

    Launch Ejectors Hangtime Trop court

    Such an underrated ride, it exceeded expectations. I already knew the launch was powerful, but wow, what a punch. I may even dare to say this is the best magnetic launch I've experienced (i.e., it's better than Taron's). And then the top hat, providing a strong and sustaind ejector. The dive loop has some decent whip and it's fun. The other top hat and immelman don't provide much, though, and neither do the turns after the MCBR. However, it's all enjoyable and has some great pace. Besides, there's one final element yet: the wonderful heartline roll, which gives fantastic hangtime. Unfortunately, the ride feels quite short, but it is very complete, even with some good theming in the queue and station building. Many complain about the harness and discomfort, but I disagree: these are some of the best OTSR out there, providing some room for hands-up and airtime, with decent trains, which have enough leg-room. I personally didn't experience any serious rattle or headbanging. Overall, Anubis was certainly Belgium's best until the epic year of 2021; it definetely beats Fury at Bobbejaanland.

  • Wolfey Jay

    First Drop Layout Ejectors Inversions

    As rough as it was, I miss the original steel phantom. Thankfully this retracking kept alot of what made the old ride special.

  • Wolfey Jay

    Inversions Vibrations Baffes

    Typical arrow. Decent layout but rough and dated.

  • Hunter M.

    Lap Bar Vibrations Temps mort Layout

    Good Riddance