• Nathan F

    First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Temps mort

    Millennium Force is the OG giga coaster, and they did a fantastic job with this one. The first drop is remarkable, and it sends you into an intense layout marked by airtime hills and overbanks, interspersed with some low to the ground sweeps. This ride is relentless. It does have a weird dead spot towards the end of the ride, but that's really the only knock on this exceptional coaster.

  • Nathan F

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    Maverick is the most intense coaster at Cedar Point. It is jam packed with low to the ground turns, interspersed with some wild ejector airtime, a great launch under the station, and gorgeous scenery. This ride is truly phenomenal.

  • Nathan F

    Airtimes Ejectors Inconfort

    Magnum XL-200 is a fantastic hyper coaster. It delivers some outstanding ejector airtime on the return trip. It's a little old and janky, and it shows, but I don't believe the ride could be as awesome as it is without that jank creating exceptional airtime. One of the standout coasters at a park with an exceptional lineup.

  • Nathan F

    Situation Temps mort

    Iron Dragon is not a very forceful or intense ride. There isn't a whole lot I have to say about it. It doesn't do a whole lot exceptionally well or exceptionally poorly. It's just kinda there. It's really pretty. I'll give it that. But mostly it just kinda fills out a strong coaster lineup.

  • Nathan F

    Fun Temps mort

    Gemini is a very fun ride. It doesn't really do anything exceptionally well. The racing aspect is fun, and serves to make the dead spots in the layout more fun. It's not a standout coaster by any means, but it holds up well and you should ride it if you're at Cedar Point.

  • Nathan F

    Fun Temps mort

    Gemini is a very fun ride. It doesn't really do anything exceptionally well. The racing aspect is fun, and serves to make the dead spots in the layout more fun. It's not a standout coaster by any means, but it holds up well and you should ride it if you're at Cedar Point.

  • Nathan F

    Situation Fluidité Airtimes Temps mort

    GateKeeper is a really fun ride. It's super smooth. The inversions are great. It's really pretty to look at. It gave a great night ride. The major downside is it doesn't have a ton of airtime. And it's a pretty gentle coaster overall. But it does what it sets out to do very well. Not anywhere near the park's best coaster, but a very good one nonetheless.

  • Nathan F

    Situation Vibrations Trop court Layout

    Corkscrew is a really pretty ride to look at. The landscaping around it is beautiful and the corkscrews over the path are iconic. That's about all the good things I have to say for this ride. It's short. It's uncomfortable. It bumps around constantly. It's severely outdated and it shows.

  • Nathan F

    Fun Temps mort

    It's an Arrow Mine Train. It's in a neat setting. Unfortunately though the most memorable thing about this ride was the birds making nests in the queue. The ride itself is pretty mild and not particularly remarkable. Not the best Arrow Mine Train ever. Not the worst either. Good supporting coaster.

  • Nathan F

    Vibrations Déception !

    This ride was not in very good shape, even for an older wooden coaster. I got little to no airtime and the rattle was obnoxious. This ride felt very out of place at Cedar Point, and I hope they can do some work on it to make it better.