Tous les avis
Airtimes Fun
Very smooth very great very nice layout.
Airtimes First Drop Déception !
Really good ride but probably my least favorite giga. It really felt like something was missing but the whole ride is still enjoyable.
Théma Vitesse Fluidité
This whole ride feels out of control. It’s pretty smooth and never lets up pacing wise. The shed is really cool too.
Théma Launch Inconfort Temps mort
Not the smoothest ride but the launch is punchy and the theming is good. Mid course almost brought it to a complete stop.
Situation Trop court
Solid ride with some run swinging and has some intensity to it. The time it took to get up the lift hill is definitely longer than the actual ride though. I was surprised by how short it was.
Théma Fun
Greyed out on the first helix. Solid ride and I think this is the best of the backlot clones since all the effects were working.
Théma Fun Inconfort
Ride is a bit bumpy, but surprisingly forceful and has some great theming. Solid mine train.
Fun Longueur Temps mort
generic arrow mine train
Airtimes Inversions Fun Baffes Harnais
The ride is great but hurts really bad