• Samuel Henman

    Inversions Intensité Vibrations

    Its an intense ride, full of many inversions that make you lose your sense of space in everyway possible. It is constantly throwing you around. While it does have a small rattle, it didn't seem to effect me too much, not as good as shambala but still worthy of a classic

  • Samuel Henman

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité

    Some of the best sustained floater airtime, not really any negatives of the ride, probably the best coaster in Spain.

  • Samuel Henman

    Fluidité Hangtime Launch Temps mort

    Somewhat slow from the disappointing launch, but the ride is very smooth and uses the most out of the small space it is built on. Good but not the most memorable.

  • Zachary Alexander Goitia

    Baffes Harnais

    I didn’t know an invert could be so shaky! You’re gonna bang around a lot on this coaster and it probably won’t be worth it unless you’re a kid. The shoulder restraints are covered in a thick foam material so that the head banging is at least against something soft, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still getting banged around for one kind of fun bank and that’s about it.

  • Samuel Henman

    First Drop Situation Vibrations Inconfort

    It is an old ride, a classic for the UK, fun first drop and scenery, but rough and outdated

  • Zachary Alexander Goitia

    Inconfort Sans intérêt

    I mean, it’s a little kid coaster. My nephew absolutely loves it, it’s his first ride at Carowinds every time. Great for the littler ones, but doesn’t offer much of anything except some minor whiplash for anyone besides the kids though.

  • Zachary Alexander Goitia

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité Temps mort Intensité

    So Intimidator is kind of a mixed bag. Overall, it’s a B&M giga. It’s like pizza, even when it’s not great it’s still good. The first drop is as intense as any big coaster over 200ft and the airtime hills are loads of fun. My biggest complaint is trim and the second half of the course. You get so much speed trimmed off both on the airtime hills and after them, and it leads to the second half being pretty lack luster. The closest thing I have to compare it to is Goliath down at SFOG, and that coaster is solid all the way throughout. Overall, a good coaster for sure, but it could definitely be better.

  • Zachary Alexander Goitia

    Airtimes First Drop Trop court Inconfort Temps mort

    My favorite wooden coaster in the park for sure (sorry Hurler), this one is loads of fun. Yes it’s tiny and short and old and uncomfortable, but the first drop and the airtime always puts a smile on my face. A great first coaster for any younger riders and a good one to jump on if you’re in the area.

  • Samuel Henman

    Inversions Fluidité Hangtime Trop court

    It has a good launch with some hangtime on the first inversion, the rest feels like a miniature maverick at Cedar point, with only half the ride. Short but fun.

  • Zachary Alexander Goitia

    Airtimes Inversions Launch

    I was not expecting to love this coaster as much as I do, but it’s easily my number 2 coaster at Carowinds. My only experience with MACK rides before this was Ricochet and Slinky Dog Dash, so I went in with low expectations and had them blown out of the water. The stall airtime you get on almost every inversion is fantastic, and the ejector airtime you get setting in the back row is insane! The launches are great, the mid course one being the better of the two. Overall an awesome coaster, I ride it every time I come to Carowinds.