• Adrenaline Central

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité Trop court Débit

    Great ride, intense and underrated. Smooth too

  • Thijmen B.

    Baffes Théma A raser !

    Pretty much the same as other SLC's except this one is uglier.

  • Nikki Severin

    Théma Fluidité Layout

    Raptor is so fun. From start to finish. The slow turns in one of the sections are mindblowingly good. We rode it like 10 times in a day and it was awesome every time.

  • X Coasters Forever

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    On my Ohio trip, I was able to get a total of 6 rides with about 3 rides being in the back row, 2 rides in Row 11, and 1 ride in Row 10. Let me say this now, Steel Vengeance is a wild airtime machine! Every hill delivers super strong ejector airtime, the inversions are really snappy and so much fun, the drop is insane, and the pacing is great! This thing is also mental especially at night because it absolutely hauls and just takes the experience to a whole new level! In the morning, however, it runs a bit slow but it warms up later in the day. During all of my 4 visits to Cedar Point on my Ohio trip, I got 3-afternoon rides, 2-night rides, and one 1-morning ride. The trims weren’t hitting that hard on any of my 6 rides, which is good because the train starts to pick up speed again on the drop-off the mid-course and doesn’t slow down until it hits the final brakes. My favorite part of the ride is probably the outward-banked hill, because of how sustained the airtime is. I also really like the first drop because you just get yanked over that drop and the finale with a set of bunny hills delivering violent ejector airtime. I really like that twisted snake dive as well, because it’s such a unique inversion and it gives some great hangtime and insane whip entering and exiting the inversion. That element is my favorite inversion on the ride and one of my favorite inversions on a coaster. No matter the time of day, Steel Vengeance will always have great pacing. This thing is a true masterpiece with its cool layout, an insane drop, powerful ejector airtime on every hill, snappy inversions, and a great finale! Overall, Steel Vengeance is a world-class roller coaster and it’s by far the best I’ve ever ridden!

  • Coaster Nut

    Inversions Launch Vitesse Trop court

    The queue is a nice cool break on a hot summer day. The backward launch always makes me giggle like a little kid. My favorite part is coming out of the tunnel and twisting backward through the top hat. I rode this years ago when it launched forward, and the backward launch was definitely a great way to improve the ride. My favorite ride at SFSL.

  • Danilo G.

    Most rude employees ever x)

  • Karst

    Théma Baffes

    This ride was a walk on every single time using the single riders line. It's a fun wild mouse coaster with a looping. Theming is very nice, as always. Sadly the ride has some uncomfortable headbanging so just brace yourself for that. I hit my head pretty bad on first ride, second ride wasn't too bad. Definitely not Intamin's best work ^^;

  • Karst

    Théma Débit Fun

    It's crazy how many people this ride pumps through its layout. Great ride too, even my dad, who gets nauseous on nearly every attraction, was fine on here! :O Theming from the queue to the ride are all perfectly on point, as you can expect from a Disney park! Really fun family ride :D

  • Karst

    Théma Confort Fun

    Last time I rode this coaster was back in 2007 and I vividly remember there to be beautiful planets you would go by. The star wars theming doesn't really match the aestetic of the steampunk space mountain, in my opinion, but the scenes are really nice! I just wish they kept some planets and such we could soar by. The new vest restrains are, as they are with any other new vekoma vest restrains, very comfortable. I was mostly surprised that you had to take your bag on the ride with you, even though you traverse through three inversions. Really unexpected! But cool :D For how old this vekoma coaster is it's still a goodie and was pretty smooth! The theming is out of this world, literally xD. Definitely a great coaster!

  • Simon Indelicate

    Airtimes Launch Vitesse

    Stealth is crack. I wish I could get straight onto it every morning to cheer myself up. Wonderful launch, lovely airtime over the top hat and just pure joy over the hill and back to the station. Better than therapy.