• Matthew Richter

    First Drop Lap Bar Fluidité

    Fast and smooth, especially for when it debuted. The first drop is a beast and you get a few moments of airtime, but I wish its speed was better utilized getting some more airtime.

  • Matthew Richter

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Vibrations Inconfort Temps mort

    Fun, long, nice floater airtime. Some slow parts and pretty rough, but this sucker is a classic.

  • Matthew Richter

    Airtimes Vitesse Longueur

    Fast, tight, and full of ejector airtime. It's especially fun when the two trains experience the stall-roll and the inline twist simultaneously. Awesome ride... and then you get to do it again!

  • Matthew Richter

    First Drop Fun Fluidité Trop court Temps mort

    X2 is unique. I had myself hyped up, but it was not that intense. Very fun and smooth, but wish they did more with the layout and elements. Overrated, but it's still a must to experience.

  • Matthew Richter

    Airtimes Vitesse Ejectors

    My first coaster as a kid because it looked small...it left me scarred for a couple years! Now one of my favorite rides. Great pace with good floater and ejector airtime. It's a little rough like many traditional woodies. Overall fun ride especially at night.

  • Halish R.

    Airtimes Fun Longueur

    If you sit on a non-wheel seat, you will get a very good ride.

  • Kw6sTheater

    Airtimes Théma Inconfort Temps mort

    Gemini is a solid coaster with some decent pops of airtime. However, the transitions are a bit jarring and the majority of the layout is your generic ‘70s wooden coaster flair — lots of outs & backs in a row. I think some theming, even putting some decor in the center of Gemini (around where the ending helix is) would do this coaster a lot of good.

  • Kw6sTheater

    Débit Situation Temps mort Layout

    It’s a fairly decent coaster as far as mine trains go. I didn’t loathe this one, but I didn’t particularly enjoy it either. I did it for the credit!

  • Kw6sTheater

    Vitesse Vibrations Déception ! Intensité

    Raptor, from what I was told, was one of the best B&M inverts. However, this was not the case. Maybe it was that my 90 minute wait for this coaster was the longest I would endure on my 7 parks in 8 days road trip, or that Raptor wasn’t particularly forceful like other B&M inverts, or that it had a bit of a rattle? Either way, I wasn’t a big fan of this coaster.

  • Kw6sTheater

    Airtimes Situation Confort Intensité

    If you are going in expecting an intense coaster — you will be disappointed. Apollo’s Chariot delivers superbly on the airtime scale, and nearly every hill on the second half (with at least some room) will throw you out of your seat! This coaster has a beautiful setting chasing right along the Rhine River, with the first three airtime hills that line it giving some very good floater airtime. The drop off the midcourse is taken quickly resulting in some pretty powerful ejector air, as is the 50ft ravine dive finale. This is my 2nd favorite coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, second only to Alpengeist.