• Cressida Person Thing

    Intensité Layout

    Fantastic coaster with beautiful scenery. It is so intense! The corkscrew followed by the helix gets me every time I go in it. It is short but it doesn't feel incomplete and and therefore isn't "too short"

  • Cressida Person Thing

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    I found everything great, the first drop is without a doubt, one of the best in the world. My only complaint is that the ampersand turnaround isn't forceful when I expected it to be. It's still fun though

  • Luca Boucher

    Fluidité Launch Sans intérêt Temps mort

    The ride is extremely boring, it completely fails at everything, I felt no force at all, extremely disappointing and it is a waste of space. The only positive I can say is that it is smooth.

  • Luca Boucher

    Vitesse Fun Déception ! Sans intérêt Temps mort

    I find the ride to be quite overrated, it does not feel too intense and the restraints just make it worse.

  • Luca Boucher

    Débit Vibrations Déception ! Sans intérêt

    The ride has some fun elements however it is quite forceless and it also has a rattle in the back rows, I found it very disappointing.

  • Luca Boucher

    Airtimes Théma Intensité Débit

    Kärnan is an extremely intense ride with great transitions and airtime. On top of that, having such a fantastic ride with such good theming is rare, making it a truly unique and exciting coaster.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Lap Bar Fluidité Layout Théma

    Fun vintage Schwarzkopf coaster with some nice little pops of airtime while seating at the back! I hope Hansa refurbish the theming soon because this oldie still has potential :)

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Vibrations

    So weird, yet exhilarating! Kärnan is really a one of a kind ride, very intense and relentless. It has several good pops of airtime, crazy snappy turns and an excellent drop to top it off!

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Théma Bonne suprise !

    Cool kiddie coaster with some surprising laterals! My favourite junior ride yet :)

  • Pidge L.

    Airtimes Théma Vitesse Trop court

    Way too short, but an AMAZING ride none the less! The shed was Slightly disappointing when I first rode it, but the more I think about it the more I like it, and I've actually come to love it! It's really fab!