• Coaster Person

    Airtimes Fun Déception ! Inconfort Lap Bar

    Thanks RMC for ruining an incredible ride with probably the worst trains besides the ones on Skyrush. I want to meet the person who designed those things, I need answers. The best part of the ride is the first half, after that, the ride starts spamming kiddie coaster elements. There's nothing great in that second half except the zero g roll.

  • Maarten Mol

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    The pace on this coaster is insane. It's just so fast and intense from the drop to the breakrun.

  • Maarten Mol

    Confort Harnais Déception !

    Really wish I could rate this coaster higher but I expected the ride to be much more intense with two launches and 4 inversions. Instead the ride was pretty tame and forceless.

  • Dominick Cobb

    First Drop Théma Layout Vibrations

    Easily Gci's best coaster!! yes i said it .. its amazing a slight rattle is pretty noticeable on the first drop but it didn't take away from how amazing this coaster was easily top 25!!

  • Dominick Cobb

    Situation Fun Layout Théma Inconfort Lap Bar

    restraints suck but its got a fantastic layout and the location is beautiful, plus its still better than MF

  • Paweł Sławiński


    Oh man for me this is best coaster in the world! I was rideing in it five minutes ago :-)

  • Dominick Cobb

    Airtimes Fluidité Layout Théma

    Love what KD did with the conversion its an absolute craze fest and i enjoy it quite a bit ranking it just inside my top 25

  • Dominick Cobb

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors

    Intamin at its best

  • Dominick Cobb

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Théma

    World's best coaster hands down imo

  • Dominick Cobb

    Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Longueur

    Its a great ride and i am really lucky too live only 10 minutes away from such a mind blowing roller coaster! It's not my all time favorite but definitley the greatest roller coaster in North America