• Peter Page

    Airtimes Théma

    Great Ride that makes me need to sit and breath after it's done. I just need to process what the hell just happened.

  • Isaiah White

    Airtimes Fun Layout Vibrations

    Solid wooden racing coaster. Its dosent have more rattle then its opposite and there are better racers out there but overall good pacing and airtime's here and there. Its a good addition to Kings Island and its an equal layout to its counter part and is a must do with your family

  • Isaiah White

    Airtimes Fun Layout

    Solid wooden racing coaster. Its a pretty smooth ride but there are better racers out there but overall good pacing and airtime's here and there. Its a good addition to Kings Island and its equal to its counter part and is a must do with your family.


    Théma Fun Fluidité

    This ride does its job as a family coaster exceptionally well. Very nice tour around the park, and nice theming on the second lift hill. There was a couple moments of weak airtime, but the first helix after the first drop is the highlight for me. It's quite possibly the most intense moment on the ride, and I love it. Very fun, perfect for families!


    First Drop Hangtime Vibrations Inconfort

    Why do people hate this ride? Sure, it's rough, and definitely not smooth, but it's still a good ride and adds a lot to ValleyFair's coaster lineup. Every roller coaster that I rode at ValleyFair (except Mad Mouse and Cosmic Coaster) had a fantastic drop in the back row. That may be because I'm a smaller person, but Corkscrews drop was POWERFUL, especially when you take into consideration that the drop is only about a 60 foot drop, and is barely steeper than the lift hill. I always ride it whenever I go. Very fun.


    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité Débit

    A fun ride! I don't have very much to say, other than that I was very surprised by how intense and fun it was! Very underrated!


    Intensité Fluidité Layout Débit

    Absolutely bonkers. This ride was spinning non-stop throughout the layout, and it also had very good positive forces, and surprising airtime too. I only got 2 rides on it due to long lines, but it's 2 rides I'll always remember! Very underrated, and a very fun experience!


    First Drop Intensité Hangtime Trop court

    This was my first visit to Nick Universe at MOA, and the whole park was a nice surprise. This is about Spongebob though. This coaster was butter smooth for me, and the inversions were very forceful. The looper was intense, the speedhill after the loop had amazing ejector, the cutback was fun, and the heartline/zero-g roll was crazy, it had the perfect mix of hangtime and lateral whip to it. Then you hit the midcourse, but it didn't slow me down at all, and it powered through the 2nd half, and went through a decently forceful helix before hitting the breakrun. If this ride was longer, it would definitely get 5 stars.


    kiddie coaster. nothing else.