• coaster land

    Fluidité Déception ! Sans intérêt Temps mort

    Let me start by saying I enjoy classic women coasters, I enjoy them a lot, however this one just didnt do it for me. This was one of the most disappointing rides of my massive trip and I hate saying that but it's simply true. The ride had very weak to no airtime, tons of dead spots, and seemed to crawl over some of the "airtime hills". The bright side was how shockingly smooth this ride was for its age, I'll give credit where it is due this was a butter smooth ride. Other than that I feel that I may have ridden this ride before it warmed up and th as t may be why it was not that good, so I'll definitely give it a chance when I revisit the park.

  • coaster land

    Intensité Débit Inconfort Layout

    Let me start by saying that this is better than batman at fiesta texas but still isn't great. I just find this ride very uncomfortable and somewhat nauseating. I wanted to like but I just couldn't:(

  • coaster land

    Inversions Vitesse Intensité Vibrations

    Another fun and intense batman clone, I must say I really like these fast paced, intense, and well designed layouts. The first 3 inversions are insane in the front row more than the back, honestly these batman clones are more intense in the front row. The wing over elements are my favorite part of the ride due to how whippy they are. Overall, a clone but a good clone.

  • coaster land

    Fluidité Débit Déception ! Inconfort

    ricochet is just meh. This ride is heavily trimmed to the point where it really ruins the ride experience. I love a good wild mouse as im a fan of laterals, but this ride is simply not a great wild mouse. Due to the trims the ride has many sudden and uncomfortable slowdown points that are really a huge con about this ride. I gave this ride 2 stars because it still has some okay lateral forces, but other than that the ride is pretty terrible.

  • coaster land

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Ejectors Harnais

    Where do I start with this legendary coaster, it is fast, intense, and full of the most legendary airtime moments I've ever experienced!!! The first drop in the back row is literally insane, and the pacing is impeccable. The ride has 3 inversions, all of which offer positive force, but there is one moment that stands out from all the others. Back row, twisted airtime hill, this element violently ejects riders and is so extreme that it feels surreal. This is one of the greatest rides ever built in my opinion and I cant wait to see more of this model built.

  • mokume disney



  • Slovis Celery

    Intensité Vibrations Harnais

    This ride is so mediocre it's insane. Layout is intense, but every time more than 1.1G is exerted onto the train it bounces like hell. Theming is tacky aswell. Best moment is the inline twist I guess. Surprised a ride so low quality came from B&M.

  • Alex M.

    Inversions Intensité Longueur Vibrations

    Kraken is pretty intense and has some good inversions. It’s pretty rough and does give you a headache if you ride it enough times, making it hard to marathon, but it’s still a fun ride.

  • coaster land

    First Drop Situation Intensité Vibrations

    I absolutely love the setting of this ride, you cant go wrong with the worlds tallest floorless coaster, the layout is amazing but sadly many six flags b&ms are developing rattles as of this year, likely due to a cut in maintenance budgets. That being said this has my favorite drop on any b&m looper I've ridden and it shines because of the strange ability to give the force of a twisted drop at first but then the airtime of a straight drop as it gets toward the bottom. The rides inversions are massive, and its 70 mph top speed is insane and you feel it. This ride has one of the best cobra rolls ever created, its as snappy as an invert cobra roll! The rides mcbr barely trims you at all and the rattle is prevalent more on the ending of the ride. I also want to give a shout out to the ride ops for being engaged and excited, not to mention some of the best covid era operations I saw on my massive summer trip. This ride is amazing, and with a little TLC to fix the rattle this ride will be 5 stars!

  • Ty Paylez

    Confort Harnais Hangtime

    SPEED and airtime are what’s this about. To everyone saying “deadspots” I would like to ask, where? This ride is the most smooth and comfortable hyper I’ve ever experienced. Holy cow this airtime is nice. Back row, right seat, is magic. I rode this 7 times because covid had zero crowds lol.