• Ty Paylez

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité Harnais

    What a surprise. It’s almost intended as a more friendly family ride but it is very smooth yet crazy intense. It’s first pretzel loop has both negative to positive g forces with a perfect transition. Ride is beyond smooth yet very intense. Only down side is my massive balls and penis that get a bit cramped by the seat if it’s loose. Very fun ride and have would be a top coaster if it were in a lesser park.

  • Shark Disney

    Lap Bar Situation Layout


  • Shark Disney

    First Drop Lap Bar

    ドロップ底の振動は確かに凄いけど別にあの振動は嫌いじゃないです トンネル内が適温に設定されているの優しい

  • coaster land

    First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Trop court

    Where do I start with irat, this is one of the best creations from the legendary Alan schilke, from the twisted drop that paid homage to the original rattlers drop minus the 7 lateral gs lol. The drop does give insane ejector and some reasonable lateral force as well. The ride than has many more ejector moments and an awesome zero g roll that offers a nice bit of hang time which I think is a nice contrast from the ejector airtime. Then after a less speedy but still fun section atop the quarry wall comes the greatest airtime moment on the ride, the drop off the quarry wall. This is one of the greatest ejector moments ever created, it beats the first drop by a mile. The ejector tanks you upwards and is sustained for a second or 2 adding to the insanity that is irat. Then after that there is a cool tunnel before a nice pop of air into the brakes. Overall iron rattler is a top tier rmc that is short but incredibly sweet!!!

  • coaster land

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Vibrations

    This ride is just straight up amazing, the back row is the way to go with this one, no doubt. The ride has powerful ejector airtime in the back row, but the downside is that it is not exactly smooth in the back. The ride is 150 feet tall but delivers a better experience then the much larger mamba at worlds of fun. I cant say enough how amazing this ride is and it sits firmly in my top 50. The first drop has ejector like an rmc and the double hill is insane, then in the giant downward helix the positive force is pretty insane and also has a great head chopper at the end. The ride is amazing from start to finish and in my opinion is the best in the park, just edging out texas stingray.

  • coaster land

    Fluidité Débit Temps mort Layout

    This ride is not bad or anything it does exactly what it is supposed to do, it gives the kids their own coaster to ride, other than that it's just a little cred to get

  • Adrenaline Central

    First Drop Launch Hangtime Vibrations

    Really great ride. There’s three airtime moments which are good, the hangtime is really good, the first drop is intense, and the launch is forceful.

  • Adrenaline Central

    Bonne suprise ! Fun

    I thought it was a nice little ride! The drops straight down we’re fun, I like the spinning, and it’s just a solid ride.

  • Cdub

    Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Longueur Temps mort

    THIS RIDE is incredible. Easily my favorite and the best ride in the park. My first RMC, and I experienced things I did not expect to feel on any roller coaster. So smooth, near perfect layout, FANTASTIC inversions and airtime. My only con is that when it runs slow the last few bunny hills are a bit sluggish. When I rode this first, it was absolutely hauling. Can't wait to return to SFNE to reride this masterpiece.

  • Shark Disney

    Vitesse Fun Layout
