• Eric Esty

    Lap Bar Fun Vibrations Trop court Temps mort

    This coaster, while fun, is a resounding "meh" to me. It doesn't take advantage of being a giga at all. In the few moments where it has considerable speed, it simply meanders in the most inoffensive transition or hill it could have. It ends too soon, and the airtime is there, but not particularly abundant. There aren't any moments of big positive forces. And while a rattle won't ruin a ride, it's definitely a little annoying when you hope B&Ms this new would feel smooth as glass.

  • Eric Esty

    Inconfort Sans intérêt Temps mort

    What a shitty wooden coaster! It somehow has no airtime, no charm, isn't very smooth at all, and overall fails to be enjoyable as a roller coaster should be.

  • Eric Esty

    Lap Bar Situation Fun

    Wow, this ride is beyond cute. Tiny old wooden coaster with buzz bars and little bunny hops, going through the trees right next to the waterpark. It just sings to my woodie loving heart.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Situation Vitesse

    Ravine Flyer II is my favorite modern wooden coaster. It has everything I could ever want, and more. Everything about this ride is simply spectacular. First drop into a tunnel, the huge turnaround and subsequent drop, the jarring laterals, the awesome airtime moments over the bridge, the airtime at the bottom of the ravine, the swinging turns and hills at the top, the diving overbank, the huge trees and perfect location and terrain, the wonderful PTC trains, and even the park that it's in. This coaster has a special place in my heart that is only beaten by a front row night ride on a certain creature in Ohio.

  • Eric Esty

    First Drop Inversions Vitesse Harnais

    While I don't love vests, these are a huge improvement over the ones on Valravn, Banshee, and the wings. They're not constricting, and give a lot of leeway for the body to move. Because of this, I was able to get my elusive back row first drop airtime on this ride that I've enjoyed on Griffon and SheiKra. The drop into the tunnel through Vortex's helix is awesome, and the location of this ride is amazing for spectating. It leaves a huge impression and makes you want to ride. The inversions are excellent, and in a very unique sequence. The last third leaves a lot to be desired, but it's still fun with a good helix and mild floater airtime. This is my second favorite dive behind SheiKra, and if it weren't for the latter's beautiful landscaping this would likely be my favorite.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Fun

    I'm definitely biased towards Arrows. I enjoy the drops, the double loop, the double corkscrew, and the janky helix, as well as the weird location. I also like the theming of the area. Fun coaster.

  • Eric Esty

    Lap Bar Bonne suprise ! Situation

    On a woodie with three seater PTC trains, I can guarantee a smooth ride by sitting in the middle of the cars. And lo and behold, I had a very fun ride on Minebuster. It's not a particularly exciting ride, but that's the joy of it. It's a scenic woodie ride across the park, and it reminded me of Legend a little diving in and out of the waterpark. Plus, the helix at the end was excellent! Great laterals all the way through, with a good tunnel as well.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Situation Intensité

    Behemoth is my favorite coaster at Wonderland! A front row ride on this coaster is blissful. Smooth, perfect floater airtime in the entire first half. A forceful downwards spiraling helix after the midcourse, and a last third of the ride that doesn't leave you disappointed. Plus the waterside location is gorgeous, as is the coaster itself. This is absolutely one of my favorite hypers in the world.

  • Lukas 42

    Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    Ouch! This is one of the worst mouse coasters I've ridden so far...

  • Lukas 42

    Vibrations Inconfort

    Quite uncomfortable and rattly for a Mack Wild Mouse...