• Kellen Grady

    Launch Layout Trop court

    Fun little quick coaster with a really cool loop around the otherwise useless Jaguar!'s track. I enjoy this one despite it's length.

  • Kellen Grady

    Théma Vibrations Inconfort

    Cute theme, but just pretty uncomfortable. I'll still ride it if I have time just for the theme, but the cars are super small and it's not great as a wild mouse coaster.

  • Kellen Grady

    Théma Fun Trop court Sans intérêt

    This one is bizarre. I actually don't mind the weird from-behind harness, and it's fun while it happens, but I have no clue why it's so brief. Seems like a really cool idea wasted on a barely worth-the-wait experience.

  • Kellen Grady

    Inconfort A raser !

    The only ride that has ever made me so uncomfortable that I've had to leave the park. Absolutely horrible. Thank God it's gone.

  • Kellen Grady

    Théma Launch Chef d'oeuvre

    I love this ride so much. It was great as California Screamin', but as a huge fan of The Incredibles, the soundtrack and theme brings it to a new level for me personally. Beautiful scenery as well, and probably my favorite ride in California Adventure.

  • Kellen Grady

    Théma Fun Chef d'oeuvre

    Another ride at Disneyland that I have a soft spot for - it's been one of my favorites since I was very young. Hard to go wrong with it to be honest, super fun and just beautiful as hell.

  • Kellen Grady

    Fun Intensité

    Maybe it had just been a while since I'd ridden a really serious coaster, but this one felt super intense - in a good way. 6 inversions in 2.5 minutes is a lot after not going on a coaster more intense than the Incredicoaster for almost 2 years! Still, like this one a lot, I suppose I just wish it had a little more "fun" factor to balance out the really intense moments.

  • Kellen Grady

    Fun Fluidité Longueur

    Smooth, lengthy, and enjoyable coaster. I fell in love with this one after riding it for the first time a few weeks ago. Can't recommend enough!

  • Robert A.

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Fluidité Temps mort Layout Intensité

    It's a lot smoother than I was expecting but I'm not rushing back to ride it as fast as possible.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Airtimes Situation Vitesse Trop court Lap Bar

    This is a very underrated ride. This ride has many moments of strong floater airtime, along with some surprisingly strong laterals. This is put into an aggressive, excellently paced layout that has awsome terrain interaction. It can be very hard to get room on the lap bars, and the ride is pretty short, but it's well worth the wait.