• Jack Jack J.

    Bonne suprise ! Vitesse Fun

    Runaway Mountain was a ride I knew nothing about going into it. It ended up being an awesome surprise. There were a couple of fun drops that surprised me in the dark and the helix towards the end was pretty intense. Being in the dark adds to this ride and just makes it really fun.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Longueur

    This is one of the best mine trains I have ridden. The first half is your typical mine train with just turns and little drops in a nice location. After the second lift however is a nice surprise. You go through a well themed saloon and then head into a surprisingly good drop into a tunnel. The finale is enough to put this into my top 5 Arrow mine trains.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Confort Fun Débit

    The Pandemonium clones are one of Six Flags best clones in my opinion. They are really fun overall. The spinning is awesome and doesnt disorient me that much. The only problem is the poor capacity with only 4 person trains.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Confort Longueur

    This is a ride that surpassed my expectations. I expected this to be my least favorite RMC coaster with its lack of inversions and repetitive layout. But I actually liked this more then Twisted Cyclone and Storm Chaser. The airtime is very strong and never lets up. There is some great whippy moments with a fantastic first drop and a nice finale with the two tunnels. I also like the Gerstlauer trains more then the RMC trains with their heavy restraints. I thought these trains were much more comfortable.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Théma Launch Intensité Inconfort

    I found this to be far superior then it's brother at Six Flags St. Louis. I thought the launch was much more forceful and the overall ride was more intense as well. The theming is always way better then the other Freeze's. They both have uncomfortable trains as well. The trains are cramped and hard to get into and the lap bar staples you easily. Other then that the Freeze clones are awesome rides.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Fun Débit Inconfort

    Bobsleds are pretty fun. This was my first Intamin bobsled. I didnt think it was as good as Avalanche at Kings Dominion. It bounced off the walls way more and hurt in some spots.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Situation Confort Fun

    This is an awesome classic wooden coaster. The location across the street from the rest of the park and next to the lake is awesome and there is some decent airtime moments. Not the smoothest ride but that's expected from an old woodie like this.Just a fun classic ride.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Débit Inversions Intensité

    One of the weaker Batman clones I have ridden. Still intense like all the others and this one has a pretty cool station and theming. The zero-g roll was my favorite element because of how whippy it was. Batman clones are always fun rides.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Fun Débit

    This was my first 4D Freespin. I had heard that these are not very good but I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I enjoyed the chaotic nature and got quite a few flips without becoming sick. I can understand why people wouldn't like these though. If they get sick easily then not for them.

  • Stefan W.

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Fun

    My first ever coaster! Was well worth it