• Nathan F

    Vitesse Fluidité Trop court

    Tennessee Tornado is amazing while it lasts, but it's incredibly short. The inversions are a little wonky, but this isn't noticeable from on the ride. It produces great forces through each inversion. There's even some understated theming. Tennessee Tornado just suffers from being far too short. Right when it feels like it should get insane, it hits the final brake run. It's great, but not perfect.

  • Chase W.

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Trop court

    I grew up riding the Hurler as a small boy. I loved it. The theming, the great whippy turns, the rattling wood creaking from the stress of the powder blue trains rolling like a rock through a forest. When I heard that my beloved Hurler was due for an RMC treatment my nostalgia gut started to twist and churn. How could they mutilate my favorite woodie? As I took the old familar queue to ride Twisted Timbets for the first time my old memories flooded back of the old Hurler theming. Plastic baby doll arms, legs, and torsos hung from the rafters as some sick joke which made my dark heart flutter with delight. I missed it. I stepped through the metal detector, cell phone in hand, and got in the back. As the Russian doll faced Op stapled me into the restraint I felt my heart beat rise. A thumbs up from the steady but slow Ops sent me off into the lift hill with an air of unearned confidence. As I crested the top I could see the first drop and I was giddy with delight. Wow. An inversion drop. I was in coaster heaven. The rails whipped me around the station house for some camel backs and mighty overbaked whips. It was all over in a matter of seconds but it lasted an eternity of bliss that I still replay in my mind when Im restless in bed and need to kickstart my dreams. These days when im asked what my favorite coaster is I have the words Twisted Timbers loaded on the tip of my tongue waiting to convert another soul by drinking the sweet RMC kool aid nectar. Hurler is not dead, it is alive in my heart next to my undying love for its improved Final form. Party on Wayne, party on Garth.

  • Nathan F

    Lap Bar Bonne suprise ! Launch

    Joker's Jinx is great. It's the best coaster at the park. It's kinda loud, particularly during the launch, but the launch is great. The ride is smooth. It's a perfect amount of whippy. Joker's Jinx was much better than expected.

  • Michael McDermott

    First Drop Harnais Ejectors

    This ride is perfect! My #1 ahead of Steel Vengeance due to airtime, a buzz bar, and having the best drop ON ANY COASTER!

  • Will B

    Fun Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Airtimes

    Great ride and an absolute icon of the industry. With the recent re-tracks, it runs as smoothly as a modern GCI with some brutal moments of lateral G-force. On the day I visited I only managed to get on rows 1 and 2, so I probably missed out on a lot of the renowned ejector airtime, but it is still an absolute masterpiece 92 years on.

  • Nathan F

    First Drop Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    Dominator is a pretty good floorless coaster. Dominator starts off strong, and just diminishes in quality from there. The first drop is outstanding, and the first loop is amazing. By the time you get to the end, the speed is gone, and the ride feels like it should have been over a long time ago. Dominator is incredibly smooth, and it is fun the whole way through.

  • Nathan F

    Inversions Situation Fluidité Théma

    Silver Bullet is not a spectacular invert, but it doesn't really do anything badly. It has one strong overbank that feels like an inversion, that moment is particularly powerful. The corkscrews at the end are amazing. After the cobra roll, Silver Bullet does pick up in intensity. Silver Bullet is great, but not elite.

  • Nathan F

    Théma Fun Longueur Temps mort

    Incredicoaster, as with most Disney coasters, is not amazing. However, it is extremely fun. It is one of the longest coasters in the world. The loop is a bit rattly, but fun. The theming, while subpar by Disney standards, is still pretty good. The final helix is extremely fun. You do get a little airtime over the first major hill. Incredicoaster doesn't do anything spectacularly, but it does so much that it is still really fun.

  • Nathan F

    Fluidité Layout Théma

    Medusa is super fun. The inversions are great. The ride is smooth. Medusa packs a strong punch. Medusa is a bit on the ugly side, but it's a fun ride nonetheless.

  • Nathan F

    Théma Inversions Launch Trop court Fiabilité

    Volcano was a great coaster. The launches were amazing, particularly the second launch. The inversions were all extremely fun.Volcano wasn't a statistical beast or anything. It was just pure fun. The inversions were slow enough that the slowness was fun. The launches were powerful. It was a very well-done ride.