• Doyle Rudolph

    Inversions Vitesse Layout

    Moving efficiently from element to element, this ride turns you upside down smoothly early and often. The theming is well-placed, and the mist dispensers are welcome on a hot day. But the shining star of this ride was the zero G roll - the smooth rotation taken at the perfect speed to spin you without exerting any forces; this was the best-executed zero G roll I've ever experienced.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Airtimes Vitesse Layout

    The first ever B&M hyper is easily the best I've ridden. The smooth airtime was expected, but the forceful low turns surprised me. It packs more variety than any other "airtime machine" model I've been on.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Launch Harnais Hangtime

    The incredible hangtime on the JoJo roll, where I felt like I'd fall to the ground the first time I rode it, is a good indication for how the ride will go. It's far from a one trick pony, though, with a fantastic launch and a few solid moments of airtime.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Vitesse Intensité Layout

    When the launch and inversions are among the tamest parts of a ride, you've got a winner. The only dead spot in the intensity-packed layout is the S-curve at the former site of the ill-fated inline twist.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Intensité Layout Ejectors

    The marquee to this ride is the sustained ejector air - the sound of upstop wheels permeates half the park - but the intense laterals into the banks of the twister section and the near misses with the structure that forced me to physically duck pushed this firmly into my top 5.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    First Drop Vitesse Layout

    A relentless layout makes the wait for the metal detectors well worth it. A fun drop kicks this one off, but it's the laterals on the wave turn (which has no right to feel as enormous as it does) and the out-of-control airtime of the trick track double up that make this a world class ride.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    From the dip out of the station to the themed brake run in the shed, this ride is relentless. The theming in the queue and on the lift hill is a nice added touch, but this ride's speed, airtime, laterals, and positive forces stand alone as an intense, exhilarating ride.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    The airtime is exquisite and the pacing is tighter than any other coaster I've ridden - the only chance to breathe is the MCBR - but the best part of the ride is the absolute intensity, with laterals and ejector all over the layout.

  • אדר פופקו

    Théma Fluidité Layout Intensité

    ah,the things i do for credit,but you know what,it was a pretty to look at kiddy coaster.build by zeirer,this is tivoli gardens' newest coaster,opened just this yea,and yes,i got a chance to ride it,it looks pretty,with good theming and was smooth,but it wasnt intense with a shitty layout,the kamelen is very similar to a force zero model, but is about 2 meters larger and uses an eight car per train rather than a six car train,yes,its an oval layout but still diffrenet enough to call it a custom,altough its wasnt the best replacment of a coaster,i belive it still pretty good for kids and with an outstanding theme to it,but it still wont be reridable for me,mainly since im not the audience,but kids might enjoy it and im glad to see that in december they will get a new mack powered coaster.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Théma Layout Intensité

    this is a ride,with not only a faseneting history,but a good ride experience to match,this ride was even better than the bakken one and by many resons,but lets talk somuch history,shall we?yes,beacuse it have one of the greatest history of any coaster,it was build at 1914 and currently is the oldest coaster at europe,it was with the mountain theme it had today but in 1920,it was removed by the denmark resistance beacuse they want coppenhagen to be a serious town,but late it came back,but not only that,in world war II,the coaster was bombed by the nazi force(well not entirly by nazis,but ny a gang of some danish people which supported the nazi forces),but it was rebuild later,thank god,since now we have an old,side friction coaster.and the ride was build than none other than L.A. thompson scenic railway company,a famous old company which developed its side friction coaster,and this is their only one remained operating,manthere is planty more but those examples is just to show how greatly historical this coaster is.but is the ride good?yes,well,it isnt as intense tan other woodies,but its moments are nontheless driving enough to ride it.firstly the rides layout is so well done for somthing that was build in 1914,i thought it was expremental year,but this one is filled with many good values in it,unlike rutschebanen at bakken,rthis one have a brakeman,a thing which is so great since now we can get a much better airtime,at bakken,rutschebanen doesnt had any airtime beacuse it was treamed,but here,it have,and thanks to the brakeman,you get the old wooden airtime which was missing with the one at bakken,but also,it themed just greatly with the great mountain statues and many lights,at night,this structure is so beautiful to look at and i must say that it went well with the park.so this might not be the best wooden coaster,but its still an historical piece which must be kept forever an its thrilling airtime moments are still good to exprience every time.