• Eric Esty

    Inversions Situation Intensité

    Superman Krypton coaster is one of the best floorless coasters in the world, especially with its location next to the quarry wall. It's enormous in its curved first drop. The first loop is similarly enormous, with both hangtime and positive forces. The overbanked helix going over the quarry wall is forceful and awesome, you feel like you can touch the rocks. The zero-g roll and cobra roll are both also great and snappy. The drop off the MCBR is forceful and can be unexpected. The interlocking corkscrews are unfortunately an uninspired end to the otherwise creative and awesome ride, which keeps it from being my favorite. Nonetheless, it's an awesome, huge, forceful ride with an amazing setting and an awesome color scheme that's very photogenic.

  • Florian Blond


    Bon d'extérieur il ne paie pas de mine, il est même plutôt moche. Il est pas super haut non plus, ni super long. Mais par contre, c'est une machine à ejector d'une puissance encore jamais vue jusque là pour ma part (et encore on ne l'a ridé que le matin !). A faire passer les airtimes d'EGF pour du family ! Seul un El Toro bien chaud peut rivaliser avec ça. Et du coup pour enchaîner les tours, il veut mieux avoir les cuisses bien résistantes ! Sinon la first drop en barrel roll est assez surprenante, un peu molle en front, à bonne vitesse en last, mais globalement je préfère une drop classique avec un bon airtime.

  • Florian Blond

    Vitesse Airtimes Intensité

    Une note si basse sur Intimidator 305 mérite un peu d'explications... Bon évidemment quand on ride pour la première fois un tel monument on en attend beaucoup. Direction le dernier rang, lift rapide, mais... pas d'airtime sur la first drop. Bon. Arrive le fameux virage au ras du sol. D'ordinaire j'ai très peu de voiles sur les coasters, mais là... un voile noir total, je vois plus rien, et ça dure... Une intensité mal dosée, et en tout cas pas du tout agréable pour ma part ! Je ne suis pas pilote de chasse. Ensuite vient le point fort du coaster, des virages au ras du sol avec une grande vitesse, fun. Puis un bunny hop, peut être de l'airtime ? Non en fait il y a un trim si puissant que j'ai cru que c'était le frein final. Du coup toujours pas d'airtimes... En résumé: du gâchis !

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Intensité Fluidité Temps mort

    Titan is a very intense coaster. With its two greyout inducing helices and a powerful airtime hill, it has great forces. But the midcourse brakes ruin the pacing, and the other elements aren't that forceful besides the two helices and airtime hill. This includes the first drop, which isn't very forceful at all.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Intensité Ejectors

    Shockwave is a fantastic Schwarzkopf looper with two extremely intense loops that will make you grey out. There's three moments of ejector air in the front, too, and the lap bars make all of this better. A really fun ride that will surprise you with its intensity.

  • Eric Esty

    First Drop Fun Layout Temps mort

    Raging Bull is a very unique hyper that accomplishes what it sets out to do very well: thrilling with smooth, swaying overbanked turns, with some airtime thrown in. Unfortunately the first camelback is trimmed to have no airtime, but that's the only boring part. It has airtime in the second half as well, and the turns are fun throughout the ride. Back row is the way to go for three great drops on this ride, especially the enormous first drop.

  • Eric Esty

    First Drop Lap Bar Inversions Débit Temps mort

    The first drop and inversions are the highlight of the ride, but the rest of the ride is boring meandering. The lap bars help a lot, but the capacity is abysmal and gives it a line way longer than it warrants. A fun ride, but the line is too long to ride again if you already have the credit.

  • Eric Esty

    First Drop Ejectors Vibrations Temps mort Lap Bar

    El Toro, while the airtime is extremely powerful, is badly paced, has an annoying rattle, and probably the worst wooden coaster restraints I've ever ridden in, that makes the airtime painful. After the explosive start with the first drop, two sustained ejector hills, and cool turnaround, the ride dies. The rest of the ride is hills without airtime and rattly banked turns, save for the Rolling Thunder hill. Probably the most overrated coaster I've ever ridden. I understand the appeal for sure, but this coaster isn't for me.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Intensité Baffes Inconfort

    Green Lantern is, while forceful, extremely uncomfortable. A forceful stand up is hard enough on my body as is, putting pressure on my legs and making my inner thighs uncomfortable. But when you add unavoidable headbanging, it becomes too much to enjoy or even bear. Add to this the lack of any scenery besides gravel, and you have a really crappy coaster.

  • Eric Esty

    Launch Vibrations Débit Harnais

    Kingda Ka is the worse version of Top Thrill Dragster. A double loading station that's never used, crappy hard vest restraints, a wonky launch, and an incredibly annoy rattle. And its capacity it worsened by Zumanjaro and its worse reliability.