• Ty Paylez


    Fun little ride. Nothing too wild but the back row had a decent little speed on some of the hills. Some lateral G’s in the helixes

  • Flurin S.

    Airtimes Fun

    Love it. A real classic fun machine. Just how I like my classic style wood coaster

  • Flurin S.

    Vibrations Inconfort A raser !

    Absolutely no force and incredibly painful. It's THE back breaker. Definitly one of the absolute worst coasters on the planet. How did this not get torn down or RMCed yet.

  • Semina S.

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Harnais

    A fantastic coaster, intensity levels are insane and the inversions are so intense you can black out. The capacity is also good as they were running 4 trains when we were there. For it being a travelling coaster this good, it is a masterpiece.

  • Shark Disney
  • Rik Steetsel

    Vibrations Baffes

    I rate coasters on this site never under 2 and half stars because every coaster have something that is nice. This ride have a lot of dissapointments like headbanging and shakiness, but it was the first ever SLC that was built. Most of the proto types are not good and this was a big step for Vekoma. I recommend to do this ride in the morning when its not warmed up.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Fun Déception !

    This ride is the only kids coaster in the park, and it's a simply coaster with less themeing but its fun and it rides to times. But they have better coasters in the park. Just a credit thingy.

  • Erik C.

    Théma Temps mort

    This is your typical Vekoma family coaster but it has some outstanding theming. They even landscaped the plot to have hills and water features to minimize the size of the supports needed and keep the look clean. This is probably one of the best kiddie/family coasters of this scale out there.

  • Erik C.

    Théma Fun Chef d'oeuvre Vibrations

    I have only ridden the right side a couple of times as I view the left side as superior. I went more in depth in that review, but it should be noted that on either side you will get very similar experiences in terms of layout, elements, and comfort level.

  • Viťa Morávek

    Lap Bar

    That is the worst lap bar I've ever seen