• xander blumel

    Airtimes Confort Fluidité Débit

    Okay first off, and most importantly, do not be deceived by the storage shed for this ride. It's only got one train, always has and always will. I didn't find that out until after I got to the park, but luckily the ride had no wait. Now, let me start again by saying this ride is amazing, I mean truly truly amazing. A lot of people had complaints about the shaping of these newer Vekoma rides, but I don't really mind that since the ride itself is amazing and it flows really well. Each element transforms into the other perfectly with ease, and I love that about this ride. It's also surprisingly intense, with an estimated G-force of at least 4.5, then again I'm not really sure. The ride is full of positive Gs, and intensity is kinda my thing so I really loved it. Did I mention the drop? No? Well I'm gonna now, because that is without a doubt my favorite drop, stealing that title from I305. The drop just comes out of nowhere, and in the back row you get sustained ejector for like a solid second and a half, which is just amazing. I'm not really a fan of inversions, I mean I could live without them, but Lech has some fantastic inversions. The first kinda-like-a-wraparound-cork after the drop is really great, and intense from start to finish. The roll through the station is great as well, and taken at incredibly high speed. But my favorite was probably the last corkscrew, which just flows perfectly into the turn following and has no lateral jerks at all. The ride also has some extraordinary airtime. Every airtime moment (with the exception of the outwardly banked hill) is ejector, right 'till the very end, even the hop into the brakes. And surprisingly, the vests don't absolutely butcher the airtime, which is always good. Speaking of the vests, the train is actually incredibly comfy. I don't quite like it better than Taron's but I found it to be really nice. Alike Taron, the ride-ops push the restraint as far down as they can, but also alike Taron, it's still really comfy, and doesn't get in the way of the ride at all. It's also really smooth, and I'd never expect that from a Vekoma. It rides so well, but that may be because it's brand new, I don't know. Finally, it has some pretty neat theming from which you get a good few headchoppers, one of which is of course the roll through the station.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Airtimes Inversions Vitesse Vibrations Débit

    A supremely intense coaster, graying me out almost every time right after the Dive Loop. The airtime hops towards the end are very powerful, similar to the best RMC designs. The trackwork is very smooth, not providing any headbanging and only some minor rattle. The layout is impressively compact and offers many crosses and near-misses with the scenery. Vekoma has produced a real winner here!

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    First Drop Théma Fun Trop court

    Excellent and appealing theming which truly fits the Dive Coaster type. I find the drop very fun, but the rest of the ride not particularly striking - though very smooth.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    The original SLC is one of the worst coasters I've ever ridden. Very brutal and unenjoyable :(

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Théma Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    The only good thing about the coaster is its theming, especially the queuline. I never enjoyed Xpress and find it uninspired and very rough!

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Launch Vibrations Inconfort

    The launch and following Top Hat are quite exciting. Everything else is either dull, rattly or poorly banked in my opinion.

  • Philippe-Minh N.


    Heidi has great pacing (except for the double up hill) and is a fun albeit short ride. Do not expect tons of ejector airtime and you'll enjoy this wooden coaster.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Fun Harnais Fluidité Temps mort

    A fun B&M hyper with some good floater air and an intense mid-course helix. The rest of the layout lacks stronger G forces however.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Théma Fun Intensité

    Black Mamba is more intense than it seems. The interactions with the surrounding scenery is really impressive, and it is generally smooth. However, the layout isn't the most original and it lacks the "wow" factor other inverts have.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Théma Fun Intensité Temps mort

    Simply breathtaking coasters. The first half might have slightly sluggish pacing, but what comes after the second launch more than makes up! Insane succession of twisty turns taken at sheer speed. The intensity of that second half is really impressive. Phantasialand has produced yet another jaw-dropping theming to make the experience even more awesome.