Tous les avis
Fun Intensité Trop court Débit Fiabilité
Its fun but its a lil short and the ops suck
Fun Temps mort
Its actually decent the ride is not too rough. It definitely lacks personality and is a little bland.
Airtimes Fun Ejectors Déception ! Temps mort
It has alot of air some strong some not. Alot of the elements were weaker than others
Vitesse Fun Intensité Trop court Airtimes
Its super intense but a lil too short
Théma Fun
Its fun and one of the best wild mouses
Inversions Hangtime Intensité
its not fast or intense but its ok
Inversions Intensité Vibrations
Yeah its an slc but yeah its pretty damm good for one
Its a kids coasters its alright
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité
The ride is insanely intense and is actually kind of scary. Great ride in general.