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Inversions Fun Débit Déception ! Airtimes
一言で表すなら「シーダーポイントらしい」コースター。 要するに、他のパークで評価が定まったモデルをボリュームアップ(たいてい1.5倍程度)した「決定版」を後出しジャンケン的にドーンとぶつけてくる、っていう何時ものヤリ口。 ただし、それらは規模で劣る従来機に評価で劣ったり、より大型の後継機にあっさり取って代わられる運命にあったことを忘れてはならない。
Intensité Vibrations Temps mort
Wild One is very old, and you can definitely feel it throughout the ride. It's not such an intense rattle that it ruins the ride, but it's closer to that line than I'd like. However, the ride pulls crazy lateral forces and is fun the whole way through. The drops are amazingly done, and the way it interacts with the old water coaster is fun as well.
Launch Hangtime Trop court Débit
Full Throttle is short, and that's easily the biggest knock on this. The loop delivers incredible hangtime. The launches are great. A night ride on this is amazing. You get a great upside down view of the Santa Clarita skyline.
Inversions Intensité Longueur Inconfort
Riddler's Revenge is an absolutely outstanding stand-up coaster. It lacks any headbanging. It's super long. All the inversions are fun. I found the restraints pressed down hard on my shoulders, but that was a pretty minor inconvenience for an incredible coaster.
Bonne suprise ! Launch Vibrations Layout
Steeplechase is quite a weird family coaster for many reasons. The trains are quite comfortable, but the ride has a fairly consistent rattle, making some of the turns feel quite bizarre. For a family coaster, it has a pretty forceful launch followed by a really intense turn, but the rest of the ride is quite repetitive and forceless.
Longueur Baffes Harnais Déception !
I honestly don't know how people enjoy this ride. The theming is fine, the area has a decent atmosphere and everything looks great for its age, but the god-awful Vekoma trains make the entire ride a rattly, uncomfortable mess. More painful than Infusion and never worth a 60+ minute queue.
Harnais Déception ! Temps mort
World’s worst first drop.
Inversions Bonne suprise ! Hangtime Temps mort
Viper is a fantastic coaster. Every single inversion is amazing. I had no headbanging whatsoever. I found it, while not perfectly smooth, to be running far smoother than most other Arrow coasters I've ridden. Viper was the surprise standout of my trip to Six Flags Magic Mountain. Absolutely criminally underrated ride.