• Robin Campbell

    Inversions Situation Vitesse Vibrations Baffes Intensité

    this ride is fun but its trying to hard to have inversions there ok but feel repetitive. the two airtime hills are nice but it gets very rough towards the end and i got a lot of uncomfortable laterals. also the dissability cue moves slower than the actual cue so wtf.

  • Robin Campbell

    Launch Intensité Ejectors Layout

    this ride shocked me. i went on queued up for front row and damn that was insane, the wind you get at thorp park make this so much different than anything else. that launch is amazing and so fast then that top hat is so iconic and fun and that airtime hill into the brakes is just magnificent

  • Robin Campbell

    Théma Inversions Fun Inconfort Temps mort Intensité

    this ride was great but boy is it overrated. i could literally scratch my head on the turns and loops it is not even intense if it wasn't for the theming i would prefer nemesis inferno. also i hat the b&m zero g rolls i always hit my legs on the thing bellow my feet and it is painful. but overall it is really fun but not the best invert.

  • Robin Campbell

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Théma

    best drop, best stall, best outer bank ever and a not that bad trim. the drop is insane, imagine being twisted while out your seat. then the outer bank. ejector, whippy and insane best airtime moment on a hyper. then the stall is insane better than any other stall in the world. then the trims they aren't that bad you only feel it cuz of the sound, but even if it wasn't there you still need to be able to live after riding. the elements after are still awesome. overall i think yes its short but it doesn't have dead spots so its fine. then its better stylised than themed, i mean no one complains about theming on a hyper like mako, or nitro. its best in in uk and best hyper ever. and besides if your short you can go on it, but still not walking dead. the fact nemesis is ranked higher just shows how stupid people are.

  • Robin Campbell

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Ejectors

    this ride is amazing. easily my number 1 coaster in the world. each element is amazing and adding that spinning aspect makes them all 10x better. i went on a holiday and the capacity was great i only waited 10mins once and that's because i queued for front. speaking of front, what the flip, omg that hangtime on the JoJo roll is legendary. and then the launch. yes its not dodo dompa but that jolt where you start spinning half way though makes it better. then that first top hat. i remember that moment only because i had my hand wrapped around the harness as my body went into the lap bar. i didn't float up i was forced up into my seat. then that turn gives great views of the park. next up that drop. its great cuz you stare at the ground with the music blasting you and you go down. then you go into a valley which may lack but still it cant have dead spots, its spinning, then the banana roll is intense and feels weird, but in a good way, then the step down under flip/back flip is great then you get to the least interesting part the turn but it still gives good views of super splash and then after that its gets better. the launch spinns Accelerates and GIVES AIRTIME WTF. its great. then that element all i can say is don't put your hand up the laterals feel insane. then you drop into floater hill but ejector and laterals. then the overbank with the path interaction and to make sure you didn't have enough airtime 2 insane bunny hills where you spin like crazy. then you enter the brakes with the awesome end to the song. overall i love the area, the music , the layout, the theming, the spinning , the aversiveness and pure insanity. only downside is its in the middle of Belgium in a family park